Let Me Tell You a True Story
Twas the Night Before Christmas and all through my house many years ago, when I was a wide-eyed child, everyone was stirring. There was way too much going on to let my five year old brain settle down.
“Time for bed,” my mom told me for the hundredth time. But I continued using the back of the chair to jump like on a trampoline. I think mom and my aunt were deliberately trying to make the conversation as boring as possible to put me to sleep. Why would anyone care whether people eat turnip when Santa Claus is on his way?
“When do you think Santa will come?” I asked again, but everyone ignored me.
“Everyone knows that Santa doesn’t come until kids are asleep. Now march upstairs young lady. You had your story half an hour ago. BED!”
With the door wide open I nestled snugly in my bed listening for Santa. First dad came home from work and then my uncle came over. The voices were fading to a murmur when one special greeting startled me out of bed and sent me running down the hallway to the stairs.
“Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas.”
Was Santa here!?!
My wondering eyes peered down the steps and caught a glimpse of red but what appeared next was not Santa. My stomach heaved and unloaded its contents all over the stairs. My Poppa stood looking up at me, red hat in hand, and called out, “Come and get your daughter.”
Family would recount The Christmas Throw-Up Story for many years. It grew more dramatic and gross each time I was teased about it, to the point where I never wanted to hear it again. So I laughed to myself when I decided to tell it myself as a theme in yoga classes with the kids this week.
“Was that really you?” the kids asked.
“Yes. My mom didn’t enjoy having to clean up such a mess on Christmas Eve. So do you want to do some yoga that can help you calm down when you’re too excited?”
5 Yoga Poses to Relieve Restlessness:
Consider these yoga poses for your kids classes or the night before a special event.
1. Bicycle Legs:

2. Shoulder Stand:

3. Table Pose:

4. Child Pose:

5. Guided Relaxation:

Try A True Story from Your Life
Do you remember a story from your childhood when you were over-excited? Consider telling it to the kids as a theme for yoga class for these reasons:
- the children love to hear stories, especially stories about children,
- it helps us remember what it’s like to be a kid,
- you’ll bring a sense of wonder and a contagious energy to both your teaching and the holiday season.
Wishing you all a puke-free holiday! Season’s Greetings.
I’d love to hear your stories in the comments – did you ever throw up from excitement? Did any childhood mishaps become legendary stories in your family? How could you use them to connect with the kids you teach?
Upcoming Events:
Kundalini Kick Start 2014
Toronto: Sunday Jan. 4, 2 – 5 pm
A Special Kundalini Yoga Workshop for Adults – Back by popular demand!
A great way to start the year and consciously set intentions for 2012 using the technology of Kundalini Yoga to support you. Join us in this powerful and playful workshop to connect to your true self and get out of the ruts that limit happiness. Using Kundalini Yoga and Meditation for creativity and self-expression we give 2012 a Kick Start to uplift ourselves and start the year off right!
Complete Details and Registration Information here.
New Schedule for 2012
Kids Yoga Teacher Training
Weekend Courses – 2012 Schedule NOW POSTED!
This specialized Kids Yoga training is like no other! Of course we cover yoga poses, stories, games, and songs that prepare you to teach yoga to kids. But we go further to also give you meaningful kids yoga that is more than pretending to be animals.
You Shared Your Lesson Plans – Full of Creativity
“I really appreciate the generosity of your approach. You shared your lesson plans that are full of creativity and gave so many excellent tips and ideas for making class fun and helping kids get the most out of them. I really liked the experience of doing sample lessons and the organization of the materials.”
Antoinette Falco, Educational Consultant
Upcoming Courses:
See our upcoming Certificate Weekends in Kids Yoga Teacher Training.
Come Get Inspired with Young Yoga Masters Teacher Training
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Yoga Gift Recommendation for Yoga Teachers
Kids Yoga Teachers – Ask for Yoga Man!
My Boys Love Yoga Man
My kids were waiting for the next pose and they were very disappointed when I announced that I didn’t have Yoga Man that week. I teach yoga for kids in my health center in Cyprus. My boys love the whole package, stories, images etc.
– Charalambos Paphitis, Kids Yoga Teacher, Greece
Yoga for Boys: Yoga Man vs The Stressor – Kids Yoga Teacher Training
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What an outstanding web site. Many thanks for
spending the amount of time.
Great little web page which you have. After i looked there seems to be two or more graphics not displaying in the right way?
Hmm, I think that is a good idea. Real life stories tend to excite the imagination of kids, and integrating it with Yoga themes is a genius idea indeed. Will try this for my Sunday yoga class
Hey Kathy!
I loved this blog and kept meaning to comment.
When I look at the picture of all the kids lying down and it looks so peaceful! Hard to imagine that this is Diana’s 7th birthday party! We had a spa day birthday party in the garden, which involved mani/pedis for all the girls (courtesy of mom and aunties) and a yoga class! They munched on fruit trays with not-so-healthy dips like Nutella and Fluff (ugh!). I remember these girls so happy and excited and yet they all calmed right down for the yoga and loved it! Diana is so lucky to have such a great aunt!
And not one kid threw up!
Love this storey Aruna! Thank you for sharing and the reminder of the calming poses. Wishing you a most wonderful holiday season!
Thanks Anita. Happy Holidays to you too!