Note: In the Self-Paced and Live-Zoom Training during the Yoga Alliance Online Training Provision, all materials are provided in PDF format and do not include hard copies. Hard copies of props are only provided in the in-person training. Prices have been reduced to reflect this change.
Chakras for Children
4 Hour Certificate
Teach school-age children to build on their innate talents while exploring the Chakras as tools for Social and Emotional Learning. Come explore the Chakras and how to teach them to children using the Young Yoga Masters Chakra activity book and handouts.

About the Chakras for Children Certificate
- Explore the Chakras with Children: take a Journey through the Chakras through the eyes of a child! You’ll learn how to introduce the Chakras to school age children, tweens, and teens
- Social and Emotional Learning: learn yogic anatomy including the emotions associated with each Chakra and what balance and imbalanced emotions feel like. Discover yoga poses to help restore balance. Identify and express feelings using the Mood Meter.
- Mandalas and Chakras: Explore group yoga poses that create mandalas, group circles that help children practice self-regulation and social skills
- 16 Chakra Activity Sheets: get printable hand outs that explore the Chakras. These 16 pages include yoga poses, quizzes, and more!
- Kids Yoga Practicum: Includes 1 hour of practicum time where you experience what a kids yoga class is like using these activities!
- Certificate: This module counts as 4 hours towards your 96 Hour Certificate with Young Yoga Masters, Yoga Alliance Registered Children’s Yoga School
Course Includes:
- An extensive Chakras for Children manual in PDF format
- 16 Chakra Activity Pages for use in your classes
- Mandala activities
- Chakra Meditation to use to journey through the Chakras
- More activities for your classes
- 4 Hours of Training (including 1 hour of practicum with Lesson Plan)

Come explore the Chakras and share your wisdom with children.
Counts towards your 95 Hour Certificate:

Check out the full certification at the link above.