A special welcome to everyone visiting from SITS where the Secret to Success is Support! Today I have the tremendous opportunity to be a “How To” Featured Blogger on SITS. What makes SITS great is that not only do we all agree to read each others blogs (one a day) but we ALSO agree to leave a comment.
Comments have been compared to many things in the blogosphere, so just to bring my yoga readers up to speed – in yoga terms – comments are like Shivasana (the relaxation pose) to a blogger. They feel so good after a lot of hard work!
My SITS Feature Post: How To Relax and Enjoy the Holidays is wrapped up below. For new SITS readers – you are personally invited to keep reading the other links on this page. Young Yoga Masters is all about Kids Yoga, about Training Teachers and about spreading tools to help kids be healthy and happy. I’m a niche blogger so I write almost exclusively about kids/health/yoga/and related topics. I post about once a week.
If you are a parent, a teacher, a yoga convert, or just yoga curious and want useful tools for the kids you love, add your name in the subscription box on the top right. Lets stay in touch. If you’re one of my regular readers, today is the day to try leaving some comment love. SITS girls know the secret to success is showing comment love support!
Now with the many holidays fast approaching here is the rest of the Feature Blog Post:
How To Relax and Enjoy the Holidays
A celebration is supposed to be a happy day, the kind that makes great memories. Everyone needs holidays to balance out the toil! But what about the obstacles that take a perfectly good holiday and make it feel like work? With a few simple yogi fixes, you can turn these modern problems around and ensure everyone has a fun time.
Do you make these holiday mistakes?
- Mistake: Carrying a Heavy Stress Load: staying up late, getting up early, texting, blogging, tweeting, e-mailing, then running around all day can wear a person down! A little stress can be motivating but too much stress is like too much salt– it ruins the meal.The Sun Salutation, a flowing yoga series, helps combat the bad effects of stress.Watch this video to see Yoga Man defeat The Stressor using yoga! Exercise is a proven antidote to the toll stress takes on your body. Even just ten minutes of Sun Salutations at night can help you wind down. When done in the morning the Sun Salutation can help you get moving. This is really helpful to reduce the health risks your body bears when it is in stress mode.
- Mistake: Reaching for the Junk Food: Eating in moderation just doesn’t go with certain holidays like Halloween where candies abound. Of course the best thing to do is to not eat junk. But if you end up reaching for the candies a little more than you ought, here’s something the yogis recommend: Rock Pose/Vajrasana. To sit in Rock pose, first kneel and then lower down so you are sitting on your heels. Do it watching TV or sorting Halloween candy, just do it as often as you can. It’s recommended by the yogis to aid in digestion and help with elimination.
These yoga fixes have been practiced for ages and can help you fix mistakes and make any holiday a little healthier and happier!
Thanks to everyone for visiting Young Yoga Masters today. And remember, whenever you see SITS – leave a comment!
Yours truly,
Aruna Kathy Humphrys
[email protected]
P.S. A Special Announcement: My new on-line yoga training, Yoga Man vs. The Stressor: Yoga for Boys is set to come out next week. But since my SITS day popped up this week, I decided to do an early bird special for today and tomorrow only! We’re holding a pre-sale for anyone who wants to jump in and get the best deal possible when you order now and receive your product next week. Click on this link to for more information on how to bring healthy living to your kids.
Jennifer says
Congrats on your SITS day! I hope it is amazing.
Kristy says
Well, I needed those reminders today. Thanks! Congrats on your SITS day!
Alicia says
Happy SITS Day! This is great! Yoga is great! what a neat way to share that with kids and help them out too!
Lolli says
Happy SITS day! I have a question for you. I have taken yoga classes before, and enjoyed everything except the breathing. I regularly feel like I’m breathing through a coffee straw. I don’t have asthma, but I don’t breathe well. Do you know of any way to enjoy yoga without the deep breathing?
Michelle says
Congratulations on your SITS day! I hope it is filled with lots of lovely comments and many new friends.
I’m so happy to have discovered your blog. We all love yoga around my house – it has been a true healer for me, and my husband and kids love it too. How wonderful it is that you’re teaching children this beautiful, healthy practice. What a terrific start they will have in maintaining a healthy, peaceful, and balanced life!
Michelle 😉
Melissa {adventuroo} says
Happy SITS day! I’ve fallen out of the habit but I really should be at least starting the day with sun salutations! I’m sure my three year old would love that too and he loves to exercise.
Helena says
I just started Yoga, and I love it! Happy SITS Day!
Sara R-The Millennial Housewife says
Happy SITS day. Great blog and I will be reading more – I have been interested in yoga for awhile and would like to learn more about it.
Mimi says
My son’s 3rd grade teacher would have them take a few minutes to do a couple poses during the day. He absolutely loved this teacher! Learning to destress is such a healthy thing!
Congrats on your SITS day!
Stephanie S says
Congrats on your special day! Yoga is so great – i have been out of practice for quite some time, but i definitely need to jump back in – it’s the perfect tool for stress management! Great blog!
Susie's Homemade says
Congratulations on your SiTs feature! I hope you enjoy your day in the sun:-)
Christy, Home-Mom.com says
congrats! Happy SITS day!
Betsy at Zen Mama says
Happy SITS day! Congrats! I’m looking forward to looking through your website. I’m a preschool teacher and I just took a wonderful class about teaching yoga to kids. There are so many benefits!!
karen@strictlysimplestyle says
I love doing yoga as a way to relax and a form of fitness. I always feel so much more flexible, even after a single session. I’m a former massage therapist and always recommended yoga to my clients with arthritis as a way of strengthening the muscles that support the joints that give them issues.
Enjoy your SITS day!
Jacqui says
Great blog! I returned to yoga myself this pat summer and have incorporated it into my teaching of dance. Congrats on your SITS day!
Alana @ Domestically Challenged says
Happy SITS day! I love yoga and wish I had the money to go to an actual studio. I have two ADHD kiddos and yoga moves really help them.
Enjoy your special day!
Debby Carroll says
As my yoga teacher says, “The energy in me honors the energy in you.” Great blog. My daughters all teach young kids and they all do yoga with them in class. I’ll definitely be sending them to your blog. Thanks.
Luci Gabel says
It’s great to hear a reminder to relax. We all need this every day, not only on the holidays!
A little pose now and then sure does the trick, doesn’t it? Aaaahhh!!
Thanks so much for this
me, myself & pie says
Really unique site – love it. And love your SITS post. I always get sick and stressed out over the holidays so I’m eager for any tips on how to relax this year. Thanks and congrats on your day!
Victoria Lewy says
Congratulations on SITS day! I try to make The Sun Salutation before i do my meditation every morning. This procedure loads me with energy for the whole day. Again happy SITS day!
Tammy @ Not Just Paper and Glue says
This yoga is very interesting. I hope you have a wonderful SITS day!
Kita says
Great post to remind us not to forget what things come down to. I could use a little more relax and unwind time in my day to day. Congrats on your SiTs day!
Grandma Nina says
Great blog! I truly believe in the benefits of yoga. I can always tell a big difference when I don’t do it. It’s a great exercise for mind and body. I’ll be following and look forward to your tips.
Karen says
Happy SITS day. Namaste:)
Lauren Ahier says
Congratulations on your SITS day!
I love yoga and wish I took the time to make it more apart of my day. After reading the benefits you discussed I realized it certainly worth making time for!
Birdie says
This is so awesome!! My boys would do this and probably love it!
Prairie Mother says
Congrats on your day!! So happy that i found your yoga blog. I’ve been doing yoga for a few years and am always amazed at its fabulous effects. Thanks for holiday tips too. I’ve read em’ before but it is nice to be reminded occasionally.
SaucyB says
My mom has been recommending yoga breathing techniques to for awhile since i’m kind of a high stress person. They really do work!
Congrats on your SITS day – enjoy your time in the spotlight!
SaucyB’s latest post: The Kindness of Strangers
BLOGitse says
Happy SITS day!
I’m so happy to see a blog like this, great, well done!!!
Mandi says
Congratulations on your SITS Day! The holidays CAN be so stressful! Thank you for the tips!
Tiffany says
My daughter has special needs and yoga has been a big help to her! Very cool site!
Sunday says
My boys enjoy doing Yoga at their school where the occupational therapist uses it to help the boys become more aware of their body and the way it moves.
Nothing on earth is cuter than watching them do downward facing dog while trying not to fall over.
Francesca says
The post turned out beautifully, Aruna. Thank you again!
Really glad we broke up the topics the way we did. The video you included was great!! Go yoga man. 🙂
Enjoy today.
Aruna says
Thanks so much for the opportunity Francesca. I’m really amazed at how meaningful all the comments are.
beth aka confusedhomemaker says
Congrats on your SITS day! We’ve been attempting to involve more relaxation activities & routines in our house but we can always use more 🙂
Aruna says
Thanks for the comment, these are great ideas for future blog posts for me!
Stephanie@Geezees says
Congrats on your SITS Day!!
Belle's Butterfly says
Congrats on your SITS day!!! Great blog.
Between Babies... says
Yay for you on SITS Day! Great looking site… so professional! Keep up the good work and message.
Between Babies... says
Yay for you on SITS Day! What a great looking site… so professional! Keep up the good work and message.
JDaniel4's Mom says
Congrats on your SITS day! I have found yoga super relaxing and a great destresser. I bet your students love it too.
Aruna says
The kids love yoga – they were especially cute for the Halloween class yesterday at school. Although I noticed a huge difference in the classes before treats and the classes after treats!
Modern Gypsy says
Excellent advice! Happy SITS day!! 🙂
Heather ~ Acting Balanced Mom says
Happy SITS Day – the Yoga Man package looks fantastic – you guys did a phenomenal job on it!!!
Kristine says
Awesome advice. Happy SITS day!!
life in a pink fibro says
Great advice. I have tried yoga in the past and have recently found myself thinking I need to go there again. This confirms it. Thank you.
Amy says
Happy SITS day! I’ll be back to look around. I think using many of your ideas will help our little orphan foster kids. I’ll probably have questions later.
Aruna says
feel free to send in any questions you have. Questions often give me ideas for future blog posts so I love to get them. Thanks for stopping by Young Yoga Masters.
ElizOF says
Congratulations on your SITS Day featured post… You did a very good job of giving some wonderful how to tips for the Halloween weekend! I also got some insights on how to maneuver this assignment when my turn comes up in a few weeks. Wishing you continued blogging success!
Cheryl D. says
Happy SITS Day! What a great idea for a blog! Love it!
Eve (Tranquility... & Turmoil) says
Have a wonderful SITS Day!!
As a foster parent and an aunt, I’m looking forward to reading about how yoga can help kids with their self esteem! Thanks! 😀
LizSara says
Happy SITS day Sitstah – I am off to look round your site and leanr more about yoga
Crystal & Co says
Congrats on your SITS day! I really need to incorporate yoga into my life!
EncoreBride says
Congratulations on your SITS Day, I am looking forward to hopefully spending my Holiday’s at home (I’m in Iraq now). I know the “getting there” will be stressful and I plan to incorporate your relaxation tips. Thank you!