A special welcome to everyone visiting from SITS where the Secret to Success is Support! Today I have the tremendous opportunity to be a “How To” Featured Blogger on SITS. What makes SITS great is that not only do we all agree to read each others blogs (one a day) but we ALSO agree to leave a comment.
Comments have been compared to many things in the blogosphere, so just to bring my yoga readers up to speed – in yoga terms – comments are like Shivasana (the relaxation pose) to a blogger. They feel so good after a lot of hard work!
My SITS Feature Post: How To Relax and Enjoy the Holidays is wrapped up below. For new SITS readers – you are personally invited to keep reading the other links on this page. Young Yoga Masters is all about Kids Yoga, about Training Teachers and about spreading tools to help kids be healthy and happy. I’m a niche blogger so I write almost exclusively about kids/health/yoga/and related topics. I post about once a week.

If you are a parent, a teacher, a yoga convert, or just yoga curious and want useful tools for the kids you love, add your name in the subscription box on the top right. Lets stay in touch. If you’re one of my regular readers, today is the day to try leaving some comment love. SITS girls know the secret to success is showing comment love support!
Now with the many holidays fast approaching here is the rest of the Feature Blog Post:
How To Relax and Enjoy the Holidays
A celebration is supposed to be a happy day, the kind that makes great memories. Everyone needs holidays to balance out the toil! But what about the obstacles that take a perfectly good holiday and make it feel like work? With a few simple yogi fixes, you can turn these modern problems around and ensure everyone has a fun time.
Do you make these holiday mistakes?
- Mistake: Carrying a Heavy Stress Load: staying up late, getting up early, texting, blogging, tweeting, e-mailing, then running around all day can wear a person down! A little stress can be motivating but too much stress is like too much salt– it ruins the meal.The Sun Salutation, a flowing yoga series, helps combat the bad effects of stress.Watch this video to see Yoga Man defeat The Stressor using yoga! Exercise is a proven antidote to the toll stress takes on your body. Even just ten minutes of Sun Salutations at night can help you wind down. When done in the morning the Sun Salutation can help you get moving. This is really helpful to reduce the health risks your body bears when it is in stress mode.
- Mistake: Reaching for the Junk Food: Eating in moderation just doesn’t go with certain holidays like Halloween where candies abound. Of course the best thing to do is to not eat junk. But if you end up reaching for the candies a little more than you ought, here’s something the yogis recommend: Rock Pose/Vajrasana. To sit in Rock pose, first kneel and then lower down so you are sitting on your heels. Do it watching TV or sorting Halloween candy, just do it as often as you can. It’s recommended by the yogis to aid in digestion and help with elimination.
These yoga fixes have been practiced for ages and can help you fix mistakes and make any holiday a little healthier and happier!
Thanks to everyone for visiting Young Yoga Masters today. And remember, whenever you see SITS – leave a comment!
Yours truly,
Aruna Kathy Humphrys
[email protected]
P.S. A Special Announcement: My new on-line yoga training, Yoga Man vs. The Stressor: Yoga for Boys is set to come out next week. But since my SITS day popped up this week, I decided to do an early bird special for today and tomorrow only! We’re holding a pre-sale for anyone who wants to jump in and get the best deal possible when you order now and receive your product next week. Click on this link to for more information on how to bring healthy living to your kids.
Great SITS post! I especially loved the yoga for boys as I have three of them! I hope you enjoyed your special day!
Excited to find you! Congrats on your SITs day.
You have some really neat perspectives and great ideas! Congrats on your SITS day!
Happy SITS! Glad I found you I LOVE Yoga! It has been my saving grace the last few months!
Congrats – well deserved indeed! I totally needed this right now too after some very long travel days and some not so good food. You’ve inspired me to do some yoga tomorrow morning in my hotel! Looking forward to checking out your new release! All the vestry best to you, Charlene
These tips are great! Something that everyone can use.
I enjoy yoga and look forward to getting back into a routine. I’d love to incorporate yoga into my kids’ day. II’m going to check out your resources,
Great advice! I will definitely be back to read more of your advice!! Thanks! Happy SITS day!
I absolutely enjoyed your blog…I so miss doing yoga…and I need it! As much stress I’ve been going through the past few months it’s amazing I haven’t totally cracked up!
Congrats on being featured!
Happy SITS..
Congrats on being featured at SITS today!!! I LOVE yoga. I haven’t been doing as much as I would like to. I try to change up my workouts but really need to get back into some yoga. You have inspired me!
Too much stress is like too much salt! That’s a great way to put it!!!!
Visiting from SITS…I definately need to employ some of your relaxation tips for the holidays. Thanks for posting them.
WaHooo! I LOVE Yoga Man! I just ordered it for my son (and the rest of us); can’t wait!
Congrats on your SITS day too! You have a beautiful, well organized site. I LOVE what you have to offer. You are now bookmarked, email feeded, and followed. Oh wait, I clicked to follow, but 2x it said the link was broken, FYI. I’ll try again later!
Happy SITS Day! These tips are two things that I often forget when the holidays come. I take on too many responsibilities and too much food.
Happy SITS day and thanks for the wonderful thing you do for our kids!
Yay! I am so glad to find your blog again (it has been a while!) … and another yoga loving SITS-TAH!!
I just started teaching yoga to children and I am loving it. Congrats on your day. I am off to do some reading now. 🙂
I had no idea that yoga poses could help with elimination. I’m not being sarcastic, either (I know it’s sometimes hard to tell via typed comments) but you have intrigued me. Thanks!
Congrats on your SITS day!
What a great blog! It motivates me even more to get out there and start teaching yoga to kids. I love the yoga man video!
I feel like you were personally talkign to me with Mistake number 2. Guilty woman over here indulging in junk foods 5 minutes ago. and its only 7am~
on the lighter side……. HAPPPPPPPY SITS DAY!!!