Maybe the biggest news coming from Young Yoga Masters this month is that a new Business Accelerator and Mastermind Teacher’s Circle will be opening to support kids yoga teachers!
I can’t tell you how many requests I get for business support from people after graduation. We’re talking the roll-up-your-sleeves and get-stuff-done kind of support, and people want it with someone who’s done it before.
Having business mentors has been instrumental for my business growth. I’m currently a part of two paid yearly memberships to support my business development!

Enter: Yoga Alliance’s New Training Requirements
Since the COVID provisions ended on Dec. 31, 2023, Yoga Alliance (YA) announced new requirements for 2024 onward. These include a minimum of 14 hours of “real-time” training (zoom or in-person both count) in the 95 Hour training.
As I tried to figure out how the Young Yoga Masters training would pivot, once again, with this announcement, I went to one of the paid business programs I support and where I go for help. I had a one-to-one personal coaching session with one of my mentors, Mado, from The Yoga Teacher Resource Podcast. She encouraged me to consider starting a membership site. Since my training was developed, I had the courses ready to go. I could focus on offering real-time support every month that could be really helpful for kids yoga teachers. You can actually listen to that on-air coaching call here.
Business Support for Kids Yoga Teachers
Why would I need to be part of a business mentorship program when I’ve been in business for 25 years?
Well, I see that question the other way around: What business programs have helped me stay in business for 25 year? I’ve been in business that long BECAUSE I get support and work on my business.
My Personal Mentors
When I started teaching yoga as my business, it was really difficult to find a mentor who was willing to share their strategies. This was back in 1998 and there weren’t that many yoga teachers who were also business savvy.
I’ve made both good decisions and mistakes and learned to choose a mentor by looking for someone who:
- Shares my values.
- Knows more than I do about my business aspirations.

Are Your Looking to Grow Your Business?
If you’ve been thinking of growing your business and planning for the future, I hope you get support from someone who meets these criteria.
A business mentor who in not going to sugar coat things. That’s my plan in this program too. Share what I’ve learned, what’s worked for me, and how I’ve seen others succeed and fail.
I’m going to help people set goals and think of their long term strategy too. Now that I’ve been teaching for 25+ years, I know how important a long term strategy is for a teacher. There are things I did many years ago that set me up for success now. You want to consider both short and long term business growth.
This is a new chapter for the Kids Yoga Teacher Certification, I’m so excited to share all the details with you this weekend!