The holiday season is officially over. Gosh, how I enjoyed this break! It’s so cold outside, I just love being holed up in my cozy attic and giving my creativity free reign in my bullet journal, vision boards and dreaming about all the things I want to do in 2018 and beyond.
Have you been doing any dreaming and planning for the year ahead?
I’m a firm believer in conscious planning for the future because most of my major accomplishments have started as notes in my journal. As far as I’m concerned, creativity is king in visioning. Its a key step to setting my intentions and goals, especially for my business.
Here’s the process that has helped me add a touch of magic to my planning.
Steps for Setting Intentions and Goals
My first step is always looking at what I intend to get done this year. For example, in 2018 I see three major projects on my horizon:
- Update our Kids Yoga Teacher Training
(RCYS – Registered Children’s Yoga School) - Grow Ambassador Yoga Train-the-Trainer
(200 Hour RYS – Registered Yoga School) - Mentor New Trainers for both my Yoga Training Schools
Right now my top priority is the first one, the update.

Write Down What You Know for Sure
Some of my intentions are foggy and unclear but there are always a few things I know for sure. I recommend acknowledging the things you know for sure, because this action can help the other elements come into focus.
In the case of my RCYS update, I know a few things for sure, things I’ve learned since starting the RCYS in 2012. So I randomly listed all the things I’d like to change, add, reorganize, delete, and research in my journal. I just let it come out in any order, I will organize it later.
I capture my initial ideas a couple ways:
- Journals: I’m currently using a bullet journal but any journal will do,
- Trello is an online tool to organize tasks and ideas. I have Trello on my computer. On my phone I use the Trello App to capture my ideas. Trello is free, and here is my affiliate link if you want to check it out.

Put Everything on the Table and Design Your Destiny
I also recommend you put everything on the table to examine and make sure it is something you still choose to pursue.
Have you ever done this when you clean out your handbag? Just empty everything on the table and then decide what you really want to put back in again.
In the case of visioning the RCYS update, I even put whether to stay with Yoga Alliance on the table. This decision wasn’t hard because I feel the Yoga Alliance Standards have made my training more thorough, complete, and professional.
Affirming my connection with Yoga Alliance led to this vision board, a playful way to review the Standards for a RCYS for the update. I like to get the most out of life by enjoying my work and vision boards do it for me.

Give Your Creativity Free Reign
The next part is the hardest part for me because I’m tempted to jump into planning mode. Yet visioning requires lots and lots of time for new ideas. This is time to let your imagination run wild and to slow down, to meditate, be still, get creative, and listen.
Continue using your journal, post it notes for ideas, tidy, clear out the old and create space for the new.
Try to resist the urge to do final planning, you still need a creative incubation period.
Organize Your Plan into a Vision
For my update it took a couple months for a new direction to came into focus. It took a month longer than I thought it would take.
I just hit this phase last week, but the creative space allowed me to get really clear on what I want for the update. These ideas sprung from the synergy of all the other steps and activities. If I started planning earlier it would have felt like work, and the result would be quite different than the ideas I have now.
I know I am ready to start my final update because I feel really happy and excited about the new ideas.
Your Vision is a Priceless Treasure
Visioning for your future is a priceless treasure, without your own vision you are borrowing from other people’s treasure, living a vision someone else created.
The New Year coincides with a slowdown in my business so it is a great time for me to work on my vision. Visioning is best done all year long, even though it is hard to find the time, its something you don’t want to ignore.
If this New Year gives you the feeling to look at your vision for your life, or your yoga classes, or family planning, or other business, consider that there is no better time to start then right now. The process can take weeks, months, and sometimes years to get excited about.
However setting your own vision is one of the most important things you can do to love and care for yourself.
It can also be wildly creative and what better way to live then letting your creativity reign free for a while.
Happy New Year and New Planning to you!
Young Yoga Masters