It’s handy to have a few quick attention-getters for those moments when your yoga class is getting excited, maybe even too excited.

I have used many different tricks over the years, I like to change it up to keep it interesting for the kids and myself.
So here are 3 of my current favorites.
Please share your favorite attention grabber, and for any bloggers reading, share your favorite blog post about getting attention. What do you do to help kids heads turn and start paying attention?
Reminder of Early Registration Deadline Today on Summer Kids Yoga Teacher Certification
Also, don’t forget that today is the super early registration deadline for the 95 Hour Kids Yoga Teacher Summer Certification, You can save over $270 if you register today. This summer get a thorough training with a Yoga Alliance Registered Children’s Yoga School, including practicum with actual kids classes, all in one training this summer. Check out the 2 locations and full details here (with all the registration buttons now working!).
This is the time we need to make deposits on our training location, so by registering early, you’ll help us get an idea of our numbers, and you’ll save by signing up early. Thanks to those who have already registered from around the world!
Now back to our tips:
Attention-Getter #1
Give Me a Hip, Give Me a Lip
This one is as simple as it sounds. You say “Give me a hip.” and put one hand on your hip. Then say, “Give me a lip.” and put your finger to your mouth like you’re saying ssshhhh.
Now give it some attitude: Give me a hip, give me a lip.
Oh no you didn’t! Oh yes you did! Even tweens like to do this one – especially with attitude.
Attention-Getter #2
The Big Old Alley Cat Looking for Mice

For the younger yogis, I play on an activity from a short yoga flow we do using Cat, Dog, Snake, and Mouse pose. When we get to Mouse, we’ve got to stay very still because Cat is just around the corner. This big old alley cat is looking for some lunch. Stay very still so the cat doesn’t find you!
After we’ve done this game in a few classes, I can pretend I’m the alley cat anytime and the kids will quickly go into child pose and quiet down.
Sometimes I don’t have to say anything, I just do my alley cat walk and once the first child sees it, they react, and soon all the kids are doing mouse pose without even a word from me.
Attention-Getter #3
Breathe In the Big Me, Breathe Out the Little Me

My classic yoga attention-getter is a big yoga breath. I call out, “Breathe in the Big Me” and you fill yourself with air and stretch your arms up to open up, your ribs too. When you are full of air you feel big and powerful! That’s the big me.
Then it’s time to “Breathe Out the Little Me” and exhale and let your arms float down. This is when you let go of anything that may be troubling you or making you feel small. It’s a way to let go of doubt and insecurity. Let the Little Me go out with each breath.
I use this breath to finish most yoga poses. I use it so much it may not seem like I’m doing it to get attention, but I know that it’s a routine that kids know and follow, and helps kids keep their focus.
Now Share Your Favorite Attention Getter
Please leave a comment to share your current favorite Attention-Getter. Do you stick with the same one or do you switch them up? What do you do to get the attention of your kids at home?
Upcoming Kids Yoga Teacher Training

Summer Certification Super Early Bird Pricing Ends Today
Kids really tune into sacred sound so I’d play this for them:
Oh my goodness! These are great tricks! I hate to say it, but these would probably work on some adults, too! hehe
Hi Naomi, they are fun, I’d like to meet the adults that would be quieted by a big alley cat game! But kids do have a vivid imagination.