A Kids Yoga Teacher Training Yoga Story

A student once asked a teacher, “How do I learn best?”
Without hesitation, the teacher said to the student, “Teach!”
So the student became a teacher.
The teacher then asked a student, “How do I teach you best?”
Without hesitation, the student said to the teacher, “Learn!”
To be an effective yoga teacher, learn as a student leans!
Imagine you’re a parent wanting to teach your child about obstacles in life and how to overcome them. You’ve probably had many experiences to draw from and different ways you’ve managed to rise above the challenge. You’ve had practice.
But for a child, how can you help them? How can you give them experience and practice or explain it to them?
We do an exercise in our kids yoga teacher training to teach you how to teach children this lesson at their level.
Yoga for Children: The Hula Hoop Game
While holding hands in a circle, we ask a group of students to pass a hula hoop from left to right around the circle trying not to let go of each others hands. Passing it is a challenge, just like the challenges we face in our lives. We use a game to practice overcoming challenges so that when we are challenged by real life, we are not overwhelmed or floored by it!
Yoga, meditation, and games are ways we can learn how strong we are in moments of challenge as well as moments of bliss and relaxation. In the Kids Yoga Teacher training, you would learn and practice games like this and more. We use games as a teaching moment.

Whether you are a parent, grandparent, school teacher, or already teaching kids yoga you can benefit from learning how to teach yoga in new ways that kids will understand. You’ll also be accumulating hours towards your 95 Hour Certificate through our Yoga Alliance Registered Children’s Yoga School.
No matter how long or short a time you have been doing yoga or teaching, like the story says, to teach kids best, you’ve also got to learn.
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Teach to Learn, Learn To Teach! Namaste