This week I’ve been stalking the aisles of the Halloween section of my local stores. There are a few big skeletons I’ve had my eye on and if they don’t get sold they will go on sale, usually 60 – 80% off. Big skeletons are my new favorite prop in kids yoga class for the Halloween season. Actually I brought my Skeleton into my adult class too and will start using it for more than a Halloween theme.
The rattling bones get kids attention. Its amazing how the concept of bones comes alive with a craft store skeleton.
A Skeleton Teaches More than Bones

But the big reason I like to use Skeletons in yoga is because it reminds me of my beloved teacher who taught me why I should not fear death. More on that below, here is a little video from my front porch showing you some of the fun ways I use my skeleton in yoga class. A Skeleton is a great prop!
You may be surprised that the Skeleton is useful beyond Halloween. In our Kids Yoga Teacher training, the Themes and Dreams Certificate weekend, has lesson plans based on the teaching of the meditation Master I studied from for 11 years. Themes like why we do Yoga and why we Meditate. They are simple explanations that kids get. Explanations beyond: it makes you healthy. Even the teachers get more connected to their own practice when they hear the reasons explained in these kid friendly way.
Themes and Dreams was the first teacher training I developed for Young Yoga Masters and its a condensed and powerful weekend. It brings the yogic teachings to life.
This yoga philosophy inspired me to follow my dreams. It’s the reason why Young Yoga Masters became a reality.
One thing I see again and again in the Kids Yoga Teacher Trainings are people who also want to bring their dreams to reality. They want to live a life with meaning. It motivates me to fulfill my dreams and aspirations even though, at times, they feel impossible. Courage is a big part of doing yoga and meditation.
Proverb: “Most people tiptoe through life
trying to make it safely to death.”
Fearless Kids Yoga Teachers
My meditation teacher would remind us that we are going to die, that life is limited, don’t pretend you are have an endless number of tomorrows to start living. Why are you playing it safe, he would say, you’re heading for your grave anyway. That’s the other reason why I like to bring the Skeletons into kids yoga class. I want children to live fearlessly, not fearing even death. Can you imagine?
The Kids Yoga Teacher Training Ages and Stages Certificate with Janet Williams, also covers anatomy for kids. In this course you appreciate all the body does for you, it feels like a miracle to be alive.
When it comes to following my dreams, there are some big projects that I’m working on in Kids Yoga Training. I haven’t seen anyone else doing them so it is very exciting. It’s also easy to think, maybe no one is doing it because its not worth doing.
That’s where a good yoga class to get in my body and out of my head, and a playful romp with a skeleton reminds me that I don’t have that much to lose anyway. I’d rather live my life following my passion, than tiptoeing to my grave.
What about you?
Upcoming Events
Become a Certified Kids Yoga Teacher
I encourage anyone with an interest in inspiring yourself to live big, and share that passion with the next generation to consider signing up for the upcoming weekend certificates or the full 95 hour Yoga Alliance Registered Children’s Yoga Teacher Certification.

Here is the link to the dates an info. I’m sure you will feel uplifted by the experience and carry this fire of inspiration to those you meet.
I’d love to see you there.
Yoga Philosophy is not a thing that we do because the relationships or union of yoga is never not the case. The practice of yoga is a form of mindfulness in which there is no meditator as a doer yet there is the activity of seeing and recognizing the linkages that already exist while experiencing yoga postures and poses, yoga exercises and breathing methods.
YES! We also have a class skeleton, he is called Mr Bones. He is a great tool for teaching poses as well as some Anatomy whereby the kids can actually see how their bones work. We love skeletons too!
Sheri Dicks, Newfoundland
Are those skeletons so much fun.
Is yours a real medical type of skeleton or a less expensive one. A friend has a $300 medical skeleton which is so fragile!
Thanks for the comment Sheri, say hi to Mr. Bones for me.