Last week at the Monthly Mini-Training we imagined our perfect schedules. Imagining and dreaming as if anything was possible. It feels liberating to let go of limitations, even just for a while. Learning how to let go of unnecessary limitations we place on ourselves takes practice.
Imagining as Meditation
Imagining in this way was something I learned about through meditation training. The mantra: Pragyanaam Brahman (Rg. Veda, Aitereya Upanishad 3.3) can be translated as Consciousness is the Creator.
The idea is to let consciousness create, rather than create based on the conditions around you.
I invite you to consider trying doing some mindful planning as a meditation. It’s a meditation you may enjoy. Spend a little time directing your energy towards what you truly want, let yourself plan without limits.
If you want to see how we did it, check out the replay here:

The Return to Live
At the meeting, I was happily surprised when some people cheered when I announced the return of our live training.
We’ve got 2 new cohorts planned. One is live on zoom, the other is live in-person.
If you’ve been waiting for a live training, take a look at your options below.

Registration Opens Next Week
We are setting everything up for the new courses this week. Registration will open next week. Till then, have fun with some mindful planning!