The Last Kids Yoga Class of the School Year
Last week my kids yoga classes ended for the school year where I teach preschoolers. We had a yoga party with lots of music and games. One of my goals was to help the children understand just how much they know about yoga. I wanted them to feel Yoga Literate.
We stood in a big circle and the kids chose a favorite poses. Each child was doing a different one, some thought of the poses themselves and some took the suggestions from others.
During the relaxation I asked each child to imagine teaching yoga to someone this summer.
The class ended with hugs and they told me who they were going to teach, mostly parents and grandma or grandpa, or a stuffed animal or real pet. Can’t you just picture a 4 year old showing their dog how to do the downward dog!
The value of Physical Literacy is something I wrote about in my last post. Physical literacy in having the confidence and competence to move in a variety of poses and environments. Our last class was a demonstration of the children’s Yoga Literacy.
Foundation Movements of Sports and of Yoga
The basic movements for most sports include throwing, kicking, lunging, squatting, jumping, agility, balance, and coordination. Don’t these sound like Yoga moves to you?
Yoga classes with stories and games, balancing, lunging, squatting and core strength, help kids in other sports too. Yoga games that involve tag, throwing, or kicking also build Physical Literacy.
And other sports build physical literacy for doing yoga. There is no either/or choice.
Yoga moves complement sports moves. Sports moves complement yoga moves.
Key to Building Skills in Yoga and Sports
The key to building these skills is knowing that the only way skills grow is through experience. It doesn’t matter what age you are, if you have never tried an activity, or a similar movement in another activity, you are a beginner.
That’s why Yoga is a wonderful non-competitive activity where kids gain experience without the disappointment of losing, sitting out, or letting a team down because you don’t have the skills…yet.
Kids who do yoga will be better all round athletes.
Being competent in yoga, can make you competent and confident in other sports too.
That’s just one of the big benefits of kids doing yoga!
Upcoming Events
Save with Early Registration on Your Kids Yoga Teacher Certification
The deadline for early registration for the Summer Certification program is ending this week.
Complete your 95 Hour Certificate with Young Yoga Master’s Yoga Alliance Registered Children’s Yoga School training. Register today:
- July 17 – 26, 2015 at the 10 Day Summer Intensive Kids Yoga Teacher Training (95 Hour Certificate) in New Orleans, LA, USA
- August 9 – 21, 2015 at the 12 Day Summer Certification (95 Hour Certificate) in Burlington, Ontario, Canada
- August 22-23, 2015 – Themes and Dreams Certificate in Windsor, Ontario, Canada.
Early Registration Ends June 30/15
Take a look at the Kids Yoga Teacher Certification program here:
Looking for a great Yoga Get Away to deepen your own practice of Adult yoga?

Yours truly,