Happy Thanksgiving everyone! A quick message of Thanks Giving for those celebrating today and those who posses an attitude of gratitude everyday. May you be blessed with a quiet moment to reflect on the things that you are thankful for.
Here are five things I’m thankful for:
- The enthusiastic three year old who answered my question, “What is Bliss?” by pointing to her foot and saying “It means you have a blister!” We sing the song: I am the Light of my Soul. I am beautiful, I am bountiful, I am bliss. I am. I am. Finding out what children think it means is sometimes a shocker. I’m thankful that I’ve been blessed to enjoy kids yoga and their delightful surprises.
- Running water, electricity, a roof over my head.
- All the Teachers who have guided me along the path. Teachers who told me your job as a teacher is not to get students but to make teachers who are ten times more powerful than yourself.
- After last weeks Teacher Training weekend one student left this comment on my Facebook wall: “EVERYTHING is different. I absolutely loved it, and highly recommend it. Aruna is definitely a gift sent to us by the Creator of imagination.” To all the students I get to teach: THANK YOU for being there so I can pass on what I learned from my teachers. Don’t let the wisdom die with you. Make those kids ten times more powerful than yourself!
- The belief that I can make the world a little bit better.
What are you thankful for? Please spread your blessings in the comments to help inspire anyone out there who has forgotten.
I am grateful for Aruna! Aruna is my amazing teacher who I have learned so much from from an Adult Yoga perspective and a Children’s Yoga perspective. I am grateful for her wisdom, her openess and her generous spirit! LIght & Love Janet 🙂
Thanks for your beautiful comments everyone. Happy Thanksgiving where ever you are.
I am grateful for the abundance of giving and love within our yoga community, for the joy of experiencing and teaching yoga to children, their laughter, expressions and openess to bend and play and sing; for the abundance of resources and tools we can use to become healthy, self healers and find our path to wellness. I am thankful I am a mother, wife, daughter, teacher, and that I am able to share my passions with others. I am thankful to have my breath and to be alive!
Love the feedback from the kids – discussion time is always my favorite part of class! Thanks for sharing!
Love that picture Aruna – and the words of wisdom that come from the kids! 🙂
I am thankful for so much in my life but mostly the fact that I have maanged to find my path and be able to make life work while sharing the gifts I have teaching little people yoga. Have a wonderful weekend Aruna!