Every summer when I was a kid, we’d camp for two weeks or sometimes more at Killbear Provincial Park. it was the best two weeks of my summer. We’d follow frogs around when we were kids and follow boys around when we were teenagers. We’d jump off a cliff called “elephant butt,” sit beside a cozy camp fire and sing “When I first Came to this Land” and read our favorite poems from the musty smelling poetry book .
It was the stuff memories are made of.

Living in the heart of the city, some days I hear more sirens than birds. I get nostalgic for those summer camping trips. In fact, we were camping at Killbear when we filmed the Yoga for Boys – Sun Salutation video a couple summers ago:
That’s why I couldn’t pass this request to use my blog to help find Host Families for the Fresh Air Fund. The thought of children never getting to experience nature just broke my heart. Can you imagine not experiencing the smell of fresh air as a child? It seems criminal to imagine it!
The Fresh Air Fund is a not-for-profit agency that has helped close to five thousand city kids experience the beauty of being in nature, kids who say things like:
“I’ve never cooked outside before!”
Imagine getting out of the city and looking up at the Milky Way on a dark night for the first time. You really don’t know the beauty of stars when you live in the city.
Seva – Selfless Service – A Cornerstone of Yoga
Host Families are matched with a child from the city, a child who may not know what it’s like to run through a field, chase a frog, or take in the Milky Way. Even though times may be tight for many, inviting a child to live with you in the country for two weeks could give your kids and a city child an experience of a lifetime – perhaps an experience better than a vacation.
So before you finalize all your summer plans, consider being a host family. I know there are many caring families out there who read the Young Yoga Masters blog who would know the true value of Seva like this. It’s a great opportunity to teach your family about Seva, selfless service, and maybe even teach a city child some yoga while you’re at it.
Those who don’t live in the city are invited to donate any amount to support sending kids to summer camp.
Make a Difference in the Life of A Child
I know I want to make a difference in the life of a child through Yoga. As a city dweller I’m going to make a donation to support the Fresh Air Fund. Plus for one week, from May 25 – June 1, 2011, Young Yoga Masters will be donating 20% of all sales of Yoga Man vs. The Stressor to The Fresh Air Fund. If you haven’t got Yoga Man, now is the time to help your kids and city kids at the same time.
Please click here to get the Yoga for Boys – Yoga Man On-line Training Manual for your yoga for your boys and together we’ll help send a kid to camp.
Please click here for more information on becoming a host family for the Fresh Air Fund.
Please click here to make a donation straight to the Fresh Air Fund.
I couldn’t get through this video about what the Fresh Air Fund does without crying. Take a look to find out more.
This is a fabulous post!
Thanks so much – it is a cause that really touches my heart..