I was wondering if you could share your experience, how did you get into blogging and reviewing DVDs? I have my own fitness business and I want to start a fitness article & product review blog. I just don’t know where to begin 🙂 How did you find companies willing to send you their products to review? Thanks in advance for your time 🙂
Pam Nixon
I think there are many others who would love to get into blogging but are not sure how. I’d love to give you my experience blogging. I’d also love it if any other bloggers reading joined in with tips for new bloggers.Luckily Blogging is pretty simple to get started and it doesn’t really cost too much – for me I’ve probably spent under $100 in total, mostly on Blogging books. For starting out, I recommend getting the latest blogging advice on platforms and your technical choices. I read these books as a hobby and am half way through this one that I asked for and got for Christmas. Sure you can probably find all this information for free on-line, but it would take you a while so why not just get the book and have all the information at your fingertips. Not bad for a mere $13 bucks.You also asked, how did I get products to review and give away? The truth is that all these companies approached me to offer their product. So I’ll give you a short history of how I think this happened.
The World is Your Audience
I first started blogging about a year and a half ago when I took a business development class that was taught by one of the associates of my Teacher, Tulshi Sen. It was about the nuts and bolts of building an on-line business. It also inspired me to see the opportunities that are opening up across the world. We were encouraged to set up a free blog and practice writing and dream of ways we could do business on-line.
In the Summer of 2007, I started and ended about 3 different blogs until I decided on my topic – Teaching Kids Yoga. My posts were infrequent at the beginning but my mission was to give A LOT of free information about this niche topic in Yoga. Finding a Niche is highly recommended for new bloggers. If you are interested in reviewing products you may try to narrow down to a niche of only certain products. Plus when you find a niche that is really interesting to you, it is easier to write the content with authority and passion.
At the same time I started reading different blogs and subscribing to the ones I like. Not only yoga blogs, but business blogs, and blogging blogs. There are so many good yoga blogs out there. I started leaving comments and it was like being involved in many conversations. I feel like I know many of the bloggers I follow.Again, I hope some of the bloggers reading this will leave a comment on their blogging experience.
The one cost of blogging however, is in time. It takes time to write the posts, it takes time to read other blogs, and it takes time for readers to find you and to build a community.
It may save you time to subscribe to these blogs that have helpful tips. Here are a couple of my favorites:
- Pro-Blogger: this writer from Australia and his guest bloggers give tips on blogging. Check out this eye-opening post: How Much Money Do Bloggers Make Blogging?
- Yoga City NYC :Â This is a good blog on how to write your whole yoga site as a yoga teacher.
The product reviews started when a couple companies approached me about their products. One straight out contacted me and offered DVDs to review on my blog and give away to readers. The other company e-mailed me about their product and I e-mailed them back offering to review it and do a give-a-way. In both cases it has worked out well for everyone.

I know I go on and on about this book, but what can I say except that this is how I learned visioning which led to the products to review. To see more about Visioning get: Ancient Secrets of Success for Today’s World, it has helped me develop my business using spiritual principles and practices I am proud of.
My Blog VisionÂ
What I feel is important to keep in mind is that people are reading blogs are from all over the world. Big cities, small towns, well known countries and mysterious lands (to me). With a world population of 6.7 billion there’s bound to be somebody out there who wants to hear what we have to say.
If you want to get started blogging, there finally comes a point when you put down the books, stop reading other blogs, and just start writing. If you really want to blog … you have to become a writer. Even before you decide on a name or a platform to host your blog on, start writing articles. Start a file of unposted articles. Start lists of topics you could write about. And write, write, write.
When it comes to blogging, writing is never a waste of time. It will come in very handy later when your blog is up and running and you’re thinking your readers are wondering where you are.
Thanks again for the question Pam. I’d love to see a link to your blog if you decide it is something you want to go ahead with.
Now a Question to everyone reading – do you have a blog? Is your blog part of your business? How has blogging helped your business? Why do you blog?

Thanks so much for answering my question. Your advice and information is most helpful. I cannot wait to check out those books and blogs for more help! I am currently in the process of rebuilding my website ( As a personal trainer for women & children, I have decided to start two blogs, each dedicated to fitness tips and advice for women & for children.
I havent yet begun to post, but I am working on it 🙂
My biggest challenge seems to be getting subscribers. I noticed when you type "teaching kids yoga" into google, your blog is the number one site. How did you accomplish that? Im not sure how to bring traffic to my blogs.
Thanks again for all your help!
Pamela Nixon