In previous posts we’ve looked at how to do the Sun Salutation with kids. In the next few post I want to talk about the meaning behind the Sun Salutation. Introducing these topics to kids can lead to an interesting discussion and you can find out what they think about it. Plus, looking at all levels of yoga, body, mind, and spirit, injects meaning into a ritual.
The Sanskrit
name for the Sun Salutation is actually Surya Namaskar.
Surya means Sun, it represents our Consciousness. Namaskar is a two part word. The first part, Namas, means “bow” or “salute.” The second part, kar, refers to the “do-er” of everything. This Sanskrit root kar, can also be found in the word karma which means the stuff we do, our action. The English word creator, also has the root kar at the beginning.The whole word Namaskar has various translations, the most common is Salutation, another is “making obeisance.”
Thanks for the comment Mirjana, I am very grateful to my teacher and happy I can pass it on. It has brought more enjoyment to my practice too!
(The light in me greets the light in you.)
I didn’n know that sun=Eternal light, Consciousness. Next time when do Sun Salutation I will enjoy it even more. Thank you Aruna for this.