When Not to Keep a Secret
It’s been around for ages. It’s used by royalty and paupers. It’s among the fastest growing applications on the Internet. It’s blogged about, whispered about, and even twittered about.
Go to any job hunting club or website and its usually the number one method listed of getting a job.
It’s the time tested and proven MOST effective way of getting work.
It’s How People are Hired
Indeed most people are hired by networking. Most jobs are never posted in the Want Ads and never put on-line or in the newspaper.
I have never seen an ad for a children’s yoga teacher posted in any newspaper.
All of my kids yoga jobs over ten years (except one class) came directly or indirectly through networking.
It’s the phone call you get from a friend of a friend who’s daycare is looking for a yoga teacher.
In my experience I’ve got these calls from:
- other yoga teachers who don’t teach kids yoga
- other yoga teachers who also teach kids yoga
- my friends who have kids
- my friends who don’t have kids
- adult yoga students who are parents
- adult yoga students who are teachers
- family
- strangers who heard about me from someone else.
The First Step to Getting a New Kids Yoga Class
The first things to do if you want to find a kids yoga class to teach is to tell everyone about how much you love kids yoga!
Tell them about the interesting kids yoga training you took. If you have been reading tons of blogs and books about it – tell people. Tell them how much you love teaching it and your experiences.
Make sure that if someone in your network hears about someone looking for a kids yoga teacher – they think of you right away.
Talk about it as much as you talk about your other favorite hobbies and the movies you like.
Announce it in your adult classes.
When you meet a new person and they ask what you do – tell them you specialize in yoga for kids!
The first thing to do if you want to get kids classes is let people know that YOU and KIDS YOGA go together like ….. kids and yoga!
Get New Classes by Becoming Known
Whether you’ve taught zero or a hundred kids yoga classes, see yourself as a kids yoga teacher. If this is something you really want to do, it will not be forced, it will be natural.
“Each Vision that we hold makes us what we are.
If we consciously choose the Vision of what we want to be, do, and have,
then we take control of our life and our destiny.
Not a single action is made without a Vision.”
from the chapter: Four Steps to Visioining,
How to Vision and Get What You Want
from the book Ancient Secrets of Success for Today’s World
by Tulshi Sen
Clarify Your Vision of Teaching Yoga
People will love to hear about things you are sincerely and honestly enthusiastic about.
Your natural enthusiasm and motivation, your inner driving passion is what you need to make it, not only in this, but in any challenge you undertake.
If you don’t truly have a passion for it, it will be a tough road. But with a strong internal driving Vision of what you want, you can and will succeed to become a kids yoga teacher.