When Spring is in the air, a lesson plan with a spring theme is a must!
There are so many opportunities to tie in movement, breath, and nature themes with this time of renewal and rebirth.
Here is a fun idea to teach a spring yoga lesson plan for school age children or younger.
Warm Up: Seed to Flower

Warm up by pretending you are seeds growing into flowers or trees.
Start child’s pose, hands together like a little sprout. Then they sit on your heels in rock pose. Kneel up as you grow. Eventually stand up.
Once standing you can hang forward in rag doll pose, pretending that the rain is drenching your plant.
Then the sun comes out and you straighten and grow into a flower or tree.
Children can tell you what colour or type of flower or tree they are.
Yoga Poses for Spring Theme
There are so many opportunities for yoga poses with a spring theme, because spring is the time everything comes out of hibernation, including people!
This Basket activity page has a number of little critters that can become yoga poses.

Easter or Spring Basket Activities
Can you spot these animals on the basket activity page?
- bees (buzzing breath)
- butterflies (cobbler pose)
- birds (squatting or flapping arms)
- bats (warrior one – bat hanging from the ceiling)
- trees growing leaves again (tree pose)
- lizards (plank pose)
- snakes (cobra pose)
- beavers (bow pose)
- crickets (locust pose)
- snails (child pose)
- make sure to finish with a relaxation before you look inside the basket!
How to Fill the Basket

I filled the basket with a large plastic egg that contained a message.
Ending Your Kids Yoga Class
Inside your plastic egg, put a closing message. Here are some examples:
- Choose the next activity: good for doing more yoga poses,
- Play your favourite game: when you have a longer class and time for a game, you can pay it after the poses are done.
- Affirmation: You are beautiful inside and out! or add another message to bring a smile to a child’s face.
Using the Basket in a Series
If you are teaching a regular class series, or as a school teacher, or daycare provider, you can make this an extended activity.
- Class One: Give them the activity sheet to colour in. They add their name and favourite pose to the bottom of the basket. Then hand them back to you.
- Class Two: The next class the children cut out the baskets and tape or glue them into shape.
- Class Three and Beyond: Filling each basket with an item, like a plastic egg with a personal message, or a chocolate kiss to use for a mindful eating activity, a feather or foam ball for a breathing activity, or another treat appropriate for your environment.
Each day, the children can find a new activity in their basket, until Easter is over.
Get the PDF of the Spring Easter Basket Yoga Activity

A Kids Yoga Class you’ll teach over and over!
Spring comes every year for many regions. Test out this class this year, you just may have found a yoga lesson plan you can use over and over again for years to come.