Teaching Kids Yoga in a Daycare
One of my favourite places to teach kids yoga is in a daycare because:
- you can go in weekly for the whole school year – it’s a regular gig
- you get paid by the daycare so you don’t have to do registration or advertise
- there are a lot of kids there, so you get to teach a lot of kids!
For those who are considering teaching yoga in a daycare setting – let’s start with some market research through information interviews.
The Mindset for a Successful Kid Yoga Businesses
We’ve been talking about market research to expand your kids yoga classes into daycares. Before you call your list, you make sure you have your questions ready in case you reach someone who’s willing to talk to you right away. Everyone is so busy these days it is important to make a good impression right away. Your contact will be less helpful if you come across as unprepared, unclear, and wasting their time.
The Best Days to Call a Daycare about Kids Yoga Classes
There are common theories on best days to advertise that also apply for making contact with people for market research.
- On Monday people have just come back to work and they want to get down to business. I don’t call on a Monday.
- On Friday, people just want to finish their work and their thoughts have turned to the weekend. I don’t call on a Friday either. You don’t want to make them take on anything extra on Monday or Friday.
- Thursday holds the promise of Friday so it isn’t the best, but could work if necessary.
I think the best days to make contact are Tuesday and Wednesday. Schedule your time during these days for your information interviews.
Best Times to Call Daycare
A Daycare usually follows a daily schedule so put thought to the time you call. Aim for after the kids are dropped off and before lunch (9:30 am – 11:00 am). Sometimes the manager will have to pick up kids from schools or classrooms and bring them to lunch.
Or you can call in the afternoon when the kids are napping or in program or school. Lunch times vary in each daycares so it is best to schedule your afternoon calling from 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm.
My niece and nephew’s school starts at 7:45 am and ends at 2:30 pm with lunch from 10:45 – 11:45 am! This school starts particularly early because of school bus scheduling.
It may help you to check on-line for school hours and lunch schedules, as this could help you plan your phone calls.
I schedule my calls from 10:30 – 11:30 am or 1:30 – 2:30 pm on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Let me know what you do!