Creating the Vision of Your Kids Yoga Business
We’ve been talking about ways to get new classes for teachers to teach kids yoga. The last few posts about networking and researching the direction of your business are worth reading if you are just joining into the discussion.
Now let’s roll up our sleeves and start building a business!
Just to review there are many reasons to do Info Interviews, the main ones for us are:
- To get inside information about a new path for your business to see if it works for you
- To find out what your customer wants- to help your promotional efforts
- To create a good impression and possible contacts that may be useful for you when you are ready to promote your classes.
If you want to get new classes teaching kids yoga lets create a list of all the places you would like to teach. From this list you will narrow it down to a small sample of them to do Info Interviews with.
The Information you get will help you figure out the best marketing opportunities for your area.
Have Fun Planning Your Kids Yoga Teaching Business
Brainstorm a list of places such as daycare, schools, yoga studios, and community centers in your area. Don’t just write down the typical places you think of, write down all the ideas and opportunities you can think of.
In my city, Kids Yoga can be found in Dance Academies and Karate schools. Kids with special needs and their care givers learn yoga. Special Ed classes bring in Yoga at lunch time.
Think of the businesses in your area, a short walk or drive from your home. Could they host a kids yoga class? Where are the libraries? What kids programs do they have?
Go wild with ideas and write everything down without editing yourself. You can take all the time you want to edit later, but for now list every idea you think of.
Once you have spent a good 20 or 30 minutes thinking of ideas for your city, town, or village we are going to start to build a contact list. For people in a big city this will be easy to do, for those in a smaller setting, this may take a little more effort, but it will be worth it.
From your list of ideas some you will find more exciting than others. Go through your list and put them in order from one to ten. Make one your most exciting place to teach then work your way down.
Choose a Variety of Places Where You could Teach Kids Yoga
If you choose only daycares you will limit the info you will get. In your Info Interviews you may find that some other places have surprising opportunities.
Next, use your computer, the yellow pages, and your network to get preliminary information.
Record and Collect: Business Name, Address, Mailing Information, Phone Numbers, any other info you may find on their website like contact names of managers or owners. Some websites will tell you the size of place, their hours, and current programs. Make notes to help you prepare for your Info Interview with this company.
Keep Complete Notes for Your Kids Yoga Business
After the survey you will send them a package and thank you note (more on that later). Organize yourself so you can print mailing labels or envelopes easily.
Continue looking for other places you may want to interview over the next few days as you travel through your neighborhood.
Keep a notebook with you so you can write down businesses you see and look them up when you get home.
You will want a list of at least five names and at most twenty.
Don’t Spend Too Much Time Planning and No Time on Action
Don’t spend too much time building your list. Spend no more than a few hours over one week. Collect enough places to survey so that if some of them are dead ends, that is you can’t reach anyone, you can quickly move onto the next name on the list. You’ve got to move onto the action part of the plan.
Once you have your Contact List you can move on to creating a survey to get to know your customer.