A Short Story of One Successful Switch to becoming a Kids Yoga
Let’s all agree that we understand how great yoga and meditation are.
Also that we wish it was something we had learned at a young age.
And what a difference yoga and meditation can make in a life.
I’m going to assume that everyone agrees that teaching yoga to kids is not only personally rewarding, but a really useful foundation for young leaders of the future. I’ll even go so far as to say its a most solid foundation on which to build a Vision for your life.
So let’s open up the topic of how to start teaching kids yoga classes so we can spread these important tools.
Insider Information on the Business of Kids yoga I Found out the Hard Way
First you should know this is something I learned myself by doing. I didn’t study business in University (I studied Political Science!). When I started off there weren’t that many people offering kids yoga. I only knew of 3 or 4 other teachers in my city of almost three million people.
Many yoga teachers go back to their jobs or end up teaching part-time after a few months or years of becoming a teacher. When I first thought of being a yoga teacher I didn’t know if I could make it so that I wouldn’t have to go back to “work.”
Would I be a Good Kids Yoga Teacher?
I also questioned whether I could be a good kids yoga teacher. I had some babysitting skills, but never worked with groups of kids. My first class of kids nearly ate me for dinner!
With some training, a lot of guidance, and a heap of trial and error, I overcame the obstacles. I started teaching kids yoga in 1998. Since then, I’ve only taken jobs that would help me get skills and experience to help me teach and promote yoga.
Before I started doing teacher training, all of my classes were children’s yoga except for two adult classes.
Plus No More Working on Weekends!
If you’ve been teaching yoga classes you may also be surprised to hear I only teach two evenings a week, and I don’t work on weekends (except when I offer a special workshops)! This still amazes me since my first few years teaching were all evenings and weekends. It felt like I could never go out with my friends and family because I was always teaching a class when they were getting together.
The next few posts I’ll let you know the easiest ways to make the transition from a “regular job” to teaching yoga to teaching kids yoga.
You can do it! Bring Yoga to Kids and Feel the Joy
If you want to teach kids, you can do it with a little know-how and a lot of determination. You will connect with children and let children connect with you. The rewards are worth the effort!
Making the transition from adult to kids yoga
how to find a good kids yoga teacher training program
social networking tools to get new kids classes
cold-calling to get new kids classes
how to write a good advertisement
what you can charge for a kids yoga class
keeping your classes once you’ve got them
when to quit your job and become a teacher
Please leave a comment on what you would like to see first. Feel free to add any other topics that will help you start teaching kids yoga.
The more kids yoga we teach – the better it will be for all of us!
Yay! I look forward to your upcoming posts. You rock!
Here is what I would like to see first:
social networking tools to get new kids classes
how to write a good advertisement
keeping your classes once you’ve got them
Any thoughts on how to integrate yoga in the school system? I will be starting to teach in a high school and primary school in the fall. I’ll keep you posted for tips.