Do You Know First Aid?
This week as you go to your classes (adult or children) take note of where they keep their first aid kit. Unfortunately I learned this the hard way when one child got a nose bleed (see below). The whole incident would have been much easier if I had used the First Aid Kit hanging on the wall the whole time. I just didn’t realize it was there.
The Bloody Nose Incident:
With kids’ yoga accidents can happen quite easily. The teacher needs to keep watch of where kid’s feet are going to land and how close the kids are to each other. Prevention is key!
But sometimes kids’ noses start bleeding for no known reason.
This happened in my latest First Aid situation. My student came to me with blood coming out of her nose, all over her hand, and there was also a trail of blood on the floor behind her. She said she often gets nosebleeds.
Fortunately it was at the community centre with another staff around so I sent one of the older kids to bring another staff for backup. I brought the child (7 years old) to the sink in the room and since I didn’t have gloves, I gave her the paper towel to hold under her nose. Then got her to pinch her own nose just below the bone and lean forward. The nosebleed stopped in a couple of minutes.
However, the room is now “contaminated” by the blood on the floor. So all the kids needed to leave the room. There was actually only 5 minutes left so parents were arriving already. We ended the class early.
The girl’s father was informed when he arrived and the necessary incident reports filled out.
Wearing gloves, the floor was cleaned with diluted bleach.
It all went pretty smoothly, although one of the staff wanted her to tilt her head back. According to First Aid, tilting forward is the recommended way so the blood can drain out. So with that in mind it really wasn’t a big deal.
Which brings me to the next incident:
This incident I wasn’t there for, but it is worth noting because a lot can be learned from this.
First, according to my first aid course there are some conditions where the tooth can be re-inserted and it will re-attach on its own. So this is where first aid can really pay off.

Update from Jim (the EMS First Aid Instructor):
Looks like you got all the facts right and you are most welcome for the course. The only thing I would add for clarification is the word ‘alone’: “…children can be saved by CPR alone more than adults…” In looking at the photo I now wish I would have held the mannequin in the ‘football’ position to emulate a conscious severe choking scene (for effect of course). Oh well, you know what they say about hindsight… Thanks for your contribution in making the course a fun one!
All the best!
Tania – I like that “If in doubt keep it out!” it works for alot of things.
I only teach shoulder stand with kids I’ve known for a while and know they can be calm enough to do it with care.
Thanks for the comment.
Yikes! I agree I don’t even teach wheel or sholder stand to kids. If in doubt keep it out!