Become a Children’s Yoga Teacher
Navigating your way through all the types of training to teach yoga and mindfulness to children can be confusing and Young Yoga Masters is here to help you get the right training from the start.
Young Yoga Masters provides you with training to become a confident and successful teacher with a Certification you can be proud to put on your resume.
Who is This Training for?
- School Teachers, Supply Teachers, and Principals
- Early Childhood Educators, Teaching Assistants, and Managers
- Yoga Teachers
- Parents, Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents
- Youth Leaders and Community Leaders
- Doctors, Pediatricians, and Health Promoters
- all those who care for children’s physical and emotional health and well-being
Choose Young Yoga Masters to mentor and support you on your path to teaching kids yoga.
I absolutely loved my training with Young Yoga Masters. I already had considerable amount of training and experience working with children and yoga before coming to this training. Even so I was blown away by the scope of the training, the amount of material we were able to cover, the huge number of new ideas, inspiration and resources I was given access to, and the friendliness and knowledge of the lead trainers. I would recommend this program 100%.
Cindy S., Sunbeam Family Yoga Studio
Young Yoga Masters Graduate 2019
Get Your Kids Yoga Teacher Certificate
This Kids Yoga Teacher Certification is offered to you in Modules. You receive a Certificate from Young Yoga Masters for each Module you complete. You may take as many Modules of training as you wish and start teaching!

Each Module of training also counts towards your 95 Hour Children’s Yoga Teacher Certificate with our Yoga Alliance Registered Children’s Yoga School*. When you complete all Modules you also receive a 95 Hour Certificate that counts towards your Registered Children’s Yoga Teacher designation with Yoga Alliance.

What’s Included?
72 Hours of Self-Paced Training
Take the Self-Paced Modules on your own schedule. You can take individual modules or bundle them to earn your 95 Hour Certificate:
- Yoga Literacy featuring the Frog Yoga Alphabet (16 Hour Certificate),
- Chakras for Children (4 Hour Certificate),
- Family Yoga including Adult/Child and Family Yoga (4 Hour Certificate),
- Themes and Dreams featuring the Kids Yoga Class Creator (16 Hour Certificate),
- Inclusive Yoga for Special Needs (16 Hour Certificate),
- Mindfulness for Children (16 Hour Certificate)
- Total: 72 Hours of Self-paced Training
23 Hours Real-Time + Elective Training
Business Accelerator + Mentorship (BAM!)
Earn 23 Hours towards your 95 Hour Certificate in BAM!
- BAM! Real-Time Training (minimum 14 Hours): You’ll fulfill the Yoga Alliance requirement for a minimum of 14 Hours of Real Time in the business accelerator and mentorship program.
- BAM! Elective Training (9 hours): You can choose any of the self-paced training or more real-time training for the remaining 9 hours of your Certificate.
- The real-time training takes place on Zoom and includes topics like: practicum teaching, mentorship, business development, and lesson planning.
Upon completion of all Certificates you receive the 95 Hour Certificate from Young Yoga Masters, Yoga Alliance Registered Children’s Yoga School.
What’s the Format?
The 95 classroom hours of training includes:
- The Self-Paced training: you’ll watch a replay of a cohort completing the training. The cohort includes school teachers, daycare educators, yoga teachers, parents, admin staff, all people who believe yoga will make a difference in the lives of children. You’ll be following with a group as they develop as children’s Yoga Teachers, seeing what to do and what to avoid, hearing real-life questions, success stories, and how to overcome challenges. You can’t get a more interactive self-paced training than this format!
- Assessment: Each Self-Paced training module includes a multiple choice assessment to make sure you understand the training.
- Real-time training each month you are in the BAM! program you’ll have the option to attend up to 5 hours of real-time training on Zoom. You’ll choose the events you want to attend based on the training topic, your goals, and your schedule. If you miss a live-training, the recording will be added to the BAM! library.
- Practice Teaching: You’ll also complete 4 hours of practicum teaching using the activities from the training. We’ll give you lots of lesson plans and practicum options to choose from! You’ll be asked to reflect on your teaching experience and also to be part of an informative discussion board so you can both teach, and learn from, those in the training.
- Printable PDF Downloads of Manuals and Handouts
- Lifetime access to the Self-Paced Training Modules
- Certification: Upon successful completion of all modules, you’ll complete a two page report so we can ensure you’ve checked all the boxes to earn your 95 Hour Certificate with our Yoga Alliance Registered Children’s Yoga School (RCYS)
Become a Kids Yoga Teacher!
Check out the savings offered for the next Cohort
The teaching practicum component of this course was so valuable as it allowed us to see the curriculum “brought to life” with real kids, in addition to time to reflect on the day’s teachings/learnings both on our own and with our peers.
Becky B., Registered children’s yoga teacher
Young Yoga Masters graduate 2019
What’s in the Training?
Kids Yoga Teacher Certification
Young Yoga Masters is a Yoga Alliance Registered Children’s Yoga School. The training is designed to offer you a lot of flexibility and to award you a Certificate for each module you complete. Each Module also counts towards your 96 Hour Certificate.
You can take the modules in any order based on your interests and needs.
Each Certificate reveals important aspects of teaching yoga to children to prepare you to be a confident teacher. You’ll discover effective ways to teach yoga to children (ages 2-15 years).
Yoga Literacy
16 Hour Kids Yoga Teacher Certificate
Get the Frog Yoga Alphabet resources, and learn how to teach yoga poses to youth of all ages. These resources will likely be among your most loved, go-to props for your classes. You get them in PDF format, which includes Flash Card size alphabet, Full Page Colour Alphabet, Black and White Colouring Pages of each size, Activity Sheets and Games, English Alphabet Poster and the new French Alphabet Poster. You’ll enhance your confidence and make poses fun and safe. Includes partner yoga, modifications for all ages, as well as 22 innovative and original alphabet and storytelling activities that promote kinesthetic learning, learning through physical activity. A great resource for schools, yoga birthday parties, and more. Full Details Here.

Family Yoga
4 Hour Kids Yoga Teacher Certificate
Teach yoga to families using ready-to-teach lesson plans for Mommy and Me Yoga and Family Yoga that build strong family bonds. This module shows you how to create positive experiences in yoga class that encourage children to connect with parents and parents to connect with kids.

Chakras for Children
4 Hour Kids Yoga Teacher Certificate
Teach school-age children to build on their innate talents while exploring the Chakras as tools for Social and Emotional Learning. Come explore the Chakras and how to teach them to children using the Young Yoga Masters Chakra activity book and handouts that you get in PDF format. Full Details Here.

Themes and Dreams
16 Hour Kids Yoga Teacher Certificate
The original Certificate that started it all. The Themes and Dreams Certificate explains Yoga Philosophy and awakens the imagination – no matter what your age. This Certificate includes tested lesson plans for both children and teens. The Kids Yoga Class Creator (and Teen Yoga Class Creator) give you an intuitive lesson plan template to dream up your own class plans and keep them organized. This Certificate is highly recommended for those wanting mindfulness activities, songs, and engaging stories that build self-esteem, inner peace, and happiness. Using the Amazing Breathing Ball, music, stories, and props we focus on how to gain cooperation in your classes (props are not included in the self-paced training). Full Details Here.

The Themes and Dreams module has helped me to go forth with my teaching, incorporating analogies, and creating meaningful themes into kids and teens yoga. I feel very blessed and I am grateful for this learning experience.
Johana, graduate, 2022
Mindfulness for Children
16 Hour Kids Yoga Teacher Certificate:
Enhance children’s health with Mindfulness activities, movement. In this module you will connect to the practice of Mindfulness and learn to bring Mindfulness to Children. You’ll explore effective activities and props that get kids’ attention and help them be strong and steady when doing yoga poses. Full Details Here.
Inclusive Yoga
16 Hour Kids Yoga Teacher Certificate
Accommodate children with a variety of needs in your classes! All children come with a unique set of needs. This Certificate contains insight and effective tools to bring yoga to all children, especially kids that are not always motivated by typical kids yoga techniques. Includes Yoga Man vs The Stressor Teacher Training Manual and Resources, yoga colouring pages, games, and activities that help kids identify stress and reduce it. A great resource for teachers and parents of kids with different needs and for helping boys see that yoga is not just for girls! Featuring special guest teachers including Yasuko Tanaka, who specializes in teaching children on the Autism Spectrum, Raven McRorie, a public school teacher and specialist in equity studies, and Sam presenting on how to create inclusive . Full Details Here.

Business Accelerator + Mentorship (BAM!)
23 Hour Kids Yoga Teacher Certificate
This is an advanced module designed for teachers to work on their pricing, packages, curriculum design, and business planning. Recommended for those in the 95 Hour Certification, graduates, or people already teaching children’s yoga.
Your lead trainer will guide you and provide feedback as you develop your plan to start teaching. Participants will help one another with ideas and feedback as well.
You’ll begin your action plan for finding new classes, dive deep into planning special packages and classes like yoga camps, and establish habits to help you build your business for the long term. You’ll also examine effective advertising, networking, and marketing strategies.

What Makes the Young Yoga Masters’ Training Special?

You are in the right place if you want:
- Interactive Training that You Can Complete at Your Own Pace: You’ll learn from our past training, where you’ll hear people ask questions and have conversations to get an interactive training experience so you’ll know exactly how to teach kids Yoga and Mindfulness. You’ll know how to start the class, finish the class, and everything in between so you can teach for years without running out of ideas. We hold nothing back!
- Experience: You’ll get experience during the training observing and teaching actual children in the practicum. You’ll also learn from others who have taught the same classes. You’ll feel more confident to teach after the training because you will teach kids as part of the training. We think this confidence will help you achieve your teaching goals faster.
- Comprehensive Manuals and Printable Resources: You’ll receive comprehensive manuals in PDF format. They document all the activities you learn in the training so you can refer to them for years to come, for games, songs, and insights into teaching. You’ll also get PDF’s of the activity pages to print out for the kids you teach.
- Certificate of Completion: You’re awarded a Certificate for each module you complete that also counts towards your 96 Hour Certificate from our Yoga Alliance Registered Children’s Yoga School (note: see our FAQ’s for more info on what is needed to register with Yoga Alliance).
- Ongoing support and mentoring before and after: You have the option to stay connected when you want:
Not sure what kind of Kids Yoga Training you need? Read the Young Yoga Masters Guide to Kids Yoga Teacher Training.
If its time for you to achieve your goals of teaching Yoga and Mindfulness to children in the classroom, living room, or as a part-time or full-time career, Young Yoga Masters can give you the skill and Certification you need.
Gain experience and confidence with each Certificate, so you can go out and teach, even after one module. One graduate told us:
I have earned back more than the tuition!
After taking only one of the modules, I felt confident enough to approach schools to start teaching. I was teaching children after only one weekend of training. Eight months later, by my last module of training, I have taught over 150 kids yoga classes in daycare centres and have been paid for my teaching. I have already earned back more the tuition for the Certification.
– Z.J. Young Yoga Masters Graduate, 2013
What do I need to take the Training?
- Bring Your Experience: It is recommended, but not required, that you have taken at least 40 adult yoga classes before you register so you have a base of knowledge of yoga. However, experience working with children, parenting, or teaching is also an asset. If you have not done many yoga classes, do as many classes as possible throughout the training.
- Learn through an Interactive Training and Practicum: In the Self-Paced Training you’ll be watching recordings of the live-zoom training. You’ll hear other students ask questions, discuss topics, and share insights, just like you would if you were in the live training. You will also observe practicum classes with children that are taught by your Trainers. These practicum classes are unedited, so you get to see what real classes are like. You’ll get an interactive training, while still being able to watch at your own pace.
- Join the Mastermind Teachers’ Circle: connect with other students and your trainers as you complete the real-time training required by Yoga Alliance for certification.
- Get Started Teaching with One Module Certificate in Teaching Kids Yoga: Take one Certificate and you’ll explore a unique facet of teaching kids yoga. Each course gives you a Certificate and tools to start teaching right away.
- Earn Your 95 Hour Certificate with a Yoga Alliance Registered Children’s Yoga School Certification* If you choose, you can continue with your professional development by earning all Certificates. Together the Certificates meet the 95 Hours of specialty training that Yoga Alliance requires of a Yoga Teacher to become a Registered Children’s Yoga Teacher.
- Have Questions? Visit Our Frequently Asked Questions Page at this link or send us an email: info @
- Fill in the Registration Here: If this program sounds right for you, go to the Registration Page to start your training.
* Registered Yoga Teachers (RYT’s) who successfully complete 95 hour training with Young Yoga Masters, which is a Registered Children’s Yoga School (RCYS), may apply to Yoga Alliance for the Registered Children’s Yoga Teacher (RCYT) designation. After completing training with a RCYS, Yoga Alliance has additional requirements that must be met. See details here.

Become a Kids Yoga Teacher
Inspire Children and
You’ll Inspire Yourself Too!
To see Dates and More Information Please visit the Registration Page