As a children’s yoga teacher, you may not need to explain philosophy to children in your typical kids yoga classes. You might add a story or a game that helps to bring concepts to light, but you probably won’t discuss it in depth in a preschool class. It’s just not age appropriate.
However there are a number of good reasons to learn it, and one big one is to deepen your own understanding and embodiment of yoga’s depth and meaning.
When Yoga Alliance set the standards for the Registered Children’s Yoga Teacher (RCYT) designation, both the 95 Hour Children’s Yoga specialty training as well as the 200 Hour Adult Yoga Teacher Certification are required.
They want to see teachers who have a well-rounded understanding of yoga.
Yes, you can teach children’s yoga without your adult yoga teacher certificate. We hope you consider working towards the full certification to honour the roots of yoga and enhance your understanding of the philosophy.
The 200 Hour Certificate will also help you teach tween, teens, and family yoga with more knowledge.
Yoga Philosophy Examined
In this video, our trainers in the 200 Hour yoga teacher training, Parampreet Singh, Claire, and Aruna discuss 7 common myths about yoga philosophy and offer a more complete and true version of these ideas.
Do you believe any of these myths?
Today our trainers in the 200 Hour yoga teacher training, Parampreet Singh, Claire, and Aruna discuss 7 common myths about yoga and offer a more complete and true version of these ideas.
Make A Wise Investment in Philosophy
I encourage you to invest a little time in this video to inspire your practice. You may already know some of these myths, but you’ll watch me make mistakes with them, even after 20+ years of yoga. Yoga is a wonderful journey of understanding.
This video will give you a good idea of what the 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training is like and if it is a fit for your yoga practice right now.
The 200 Hour Training that we offer is a beautiful necessary road to better understanding what yoga truly is. It covers so many important core concepts in yoga that we don’t have time to learn in the 96 Hour Kids Yoga Training. The additional 200 Hours of training helps you embody yoga and transmit its meaning by your very presence.
I took my first yoga teacher training in 1998 and still keep in touch with others from my training. The 200 Hour Training is also a wonderful way to build a supportive community who shares your interests.
Young Yoga Masters rarely offers the 200 Hour training, especially with 3 trainers!
Parampreet Singh will guide you through many of the Indian Philosophy concepts, many were taught to him since childhood. Parampreet adds a tremendous breadth of knowledge to the live training on zoom that you will participate in.
Lead Trainer, Claire Louise has owned 2 storefront yoga studios and delivers a very powerful training experience.
And I’ve learned and unlearned a lot about delivering a yoga class after teaching so many different students since I first started teaching almost 25 years ago!

Become a Yoga Teacher
How does your comprehension of yoga compare to the myths discussed in the video above?
If you’d like to spend the next 5 months diving deep into teaching yoga, meditation, and exploring Indian Philosophy, you are invited to check out the free video here and the upcoming 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training.
We bring expert training right to you through zoom. We’d love to get to know you in the upcoming training!