The Kids Yoga Conference (KYC) is a yearly event for learning, professional development, and connection that supports the adults bringing yoga and mindfulness to youth.
The 2021 KYC was offered online this year which meant I got to attend from one of the favourite spots, my couch!
It’s one of the silver linings of the pandemic, getting to learn from home. Looking out at the cherry blossoms, drinking tea, and getting inspired from so many wonderful teachers.

I’d love to share some of that inspiration with you here. We got notes in the workshop but I like taking my own notes to reinforce the ideas and keep myself focused.
In total, I attended 7 lectures and 2 yoga classes at the Kids Yoga Conference 2021. At our Monthly check-In I shared my notes from 3 of them including:
- Compassionate Action: Tauma, Wellness, and Social Justice with Marsha Banks-Harold (@piesfitnessyoga)
- Including Kids with Disabilities and Differences with Sarah Henderson (@sarahhendersonyoga)
- Demonstrating Cultural Responsiveness in Kids Yoga with Melissa Shah (@findyourbreath), Rahsmi Bismark (@rashmibismark) and Archaa Shrivastav (@archaareads)
Demonstrating Cultural Responsiveness in Kids Yoga
Workshop with Melissa Shah (@findyourbreath), Rashmi Bismark (@rashmibismark) and Archaa Shrivastav (@archaareads)

Including Kids with Disabilities and Differences
Workshop with Sarah Henderson (@sarahhendersonyoga)

Compassionate Action: Tauma, Wellness, and Social Justice
Keynote address with Marsha Banks-Harold (@piesfitnessyoga)

Kid’s Yoga Conference
You have the opportunity to watch these workshops until October 2021.
If you are looking for inspiration and a touchstone to see if you on the right track and aware of much needed progressive thinking in the world of kids yoga, please consider watching these workshops and making your own notes.
This weekend took a lot of time and energy to show up on zoom for so many hours, but it truly nourished my soul and I highly recommend everyone find a way to do that!
Register for the Kids Yoga Conference
FREE: Listen in on our Live Conversation
We discussed these workshops at our Free Monthly Kids Yoga Teacher Check-In. You can watch replay for free here.