300 Blog Posts About Kids Yoga!
Welcome to the 300th blog post of Young Yoga Masters. I can’t believe I’ve made it!
I started this blog in 2007, with an aim to put kids yoga on the map and legitimize what I was trying to promote. Yoga for children is everywhere now, but there was a time when people didn’t know kids yoga was a real thing!
I also wanted to create a place to connect with others. You may know the feeling, when you are really into something and you start feeling isolated from everything else. You’re teaching kids, you’re networking for new opportunities and creating buzz, and if you don’t do something, it doesn’t get done.
Sometimes you feel like a lone wolf.
This blog was a way to connect with others who I could relate to.
Back then, my kids yoga teacher training was only a weekend and going strong. Now, 300 blog posts plus a 95 hour RCYS plus a 200 hour RYS later, I’m flabbergasted by how its all grown.
Kids yoga is here to stay!

I’m honoured to have blog friends who’ve been here from the beginning. You’ve seen my ups and downs, like my first blog post describing the hot mess of my first class , to helping others with their kids yoga business, to some harrowing family experiences.
If you’ve just discovered my little corner of the kids’ yoga world. Thanks for reading and being part of it now. I hope this blog serves you and helps you feel a sense of community.
Before I get to my announcement, I want to let you know how much you, as a reader, mean to me. My eyes light up every time I see a comment. The other day when I saw someone, other than me, shared one of my articles, it made my day.
So to help me celebrate go ahead and leave a comment to wish me a Happy Blogiversary. It’s encouraging to know I’m not writing into a void.
Next Up for Young Yoga Masters
This feels like the perfect time to announce my imminent adventure beginning November 1st. Its a journey that fulfills a lifelong dream of mine, perhaps you share this dream if you’ve ever wanted to travel to the birthplace of yoga. If you haven’t guessed already – I’m going to India!
My husband and I are going together for 10 weeks to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary. I’m on the edge of my seat with excitement. I spend every spare minute researching on my computer, now every ad I see is optimized towards travel products.
So many decisions have to be made. I’m salivating over the Osprey Meridian 28” wheeled/backpack bag, but it costs over $500 bucks! Could I travel with a carry on for 10 weeks? What to wear to the two weddings we’ll be attending? Should I use packing cubes? What’s the best water purifier for India?
I’ve got to figure it all out and still get my work done. I’m not sure how it will happen yet so there’s a sprinkling of stress building, but yoga is keeping me together.
Who Wants to Connect in Vancouver, Seattle, India?
Because I just can’t leave work behind, it’s who I am after all, I’m sending out feelers to connect with other like-minded souls on my travels. Maybe for tea? Maybe you want a mini Kids Yoga workshop? Maybe a roti? If that’s you, or someone you know, message me at [email protected].
I’ll be in Vancouver and Seattle in early November, then India from mid-November to mid January. It would be great to connect with others face to face instead of screen to screen.
Dharamsala and Delhi
Of course I’m anxious about stepping foot on India’s exotic soil which means parting with all the comforts of home. Yet, I’m more troubled by the idea of not doing it.
It’s what my yoga teacher would call walking the double edged sword. Too much routine is on one edge. Too much adventure away from those comfy surroundings, and you find the other edge. This trip will be about walking the middle path while we’re roaming.
I’m grateful my noble partner and I share the same vision of our travels. After we leave Vancouver and Seattle, we’ll be heading to the Himalayan mountain town of Dharamsala where the Dalai Lama lives. We’ll be starting the trip by slowing down for a minimum of two weeks where our only plan is to gaze upon the mountainside, do yoga, meditate, and drink chai. From there we head towards a family wedding in Pune and 6 more weeks exploring India.
While I’m exploring, I’ll be looking at potential places to hold a Kids Yoga Teacher Training in India too. Anyone interested in seeing the birthplace of yoga and getting your Kids Yoga Teacher Certification?
Stay In Touch and Share Your Tips on India Travel
While I’m away, you can stay in touch on Instagram, which auto-posts to Facebook and Twitter.
Hopefully I’ll have time and wifi to connect, but if you don’t hear from me from November- February, just imagine me riding an elephant or walking through a temple.
Watch for guest posts from other kids yoga teachers and a “Best of Young Yoga Masters post” while I’m gone too. If you have a certain YYM article you’d like to nominate for the “Best of” post, leave a comment.
Do You Have a Travel Tip?
I also need your help with travel tips on packing, luggage, places to visit in India, Seattle, or Vancouver. Or share any other good wishes before I head out.
I’m gonna miss you when I’m gone : )
Wishing you a happy holiday season and a few good adventures of your own.
Yours truly,
Upcoming Events
While I’m prepping, Janet Williams will be leading the What I See, I Can Be Kids Yoga Teacher Training Certificate on Oct. 24-25 in Toronto. This weekend certification is packed with resources and also counts towards your 95 Hour Certificate.
You don’t want to miss it!
There is still time to get the details and register here.

P.S. I’m just curious – is anyone interested in getting their Kids Yoga Teacher Certification in India next year? I’ll be looking for a location on this trip and wonder if you find this intriguing.
Dear Aruna,
Wow! So many congratulations to give. First off, congratulations on 10 years of marriage and to manifesting a partner who shares your vision and love for life!
Congratulations to 300 blogs!! Drop one zero and that’s how many blogs I have to date – so thank you for inspiring me to go the distance with my own writing.
Congratulations as well for being an instrumental pioneer in the field of children’s yoga.
Finally, congrats on the big upcoming trip. You are living out a dream and that’s the best gift in the world. My travel advice: allow yourself to get a little lost in new cities (rather than planning every moment and using every map) and enjoy the magic that you stumble across in the process.
Wishing you safe, thrilling and magical adventures. Congratulations on it all!!
Thank you everyone for your well wishes! It is inspiring to be part of the children’s yoga movement with you all!
Big Congrats Aruna to you and your husband on 10 married years! I know India will be all you have desired it to be and I can’t wait to hear about your travels, visits and also children you meet to teach yoga. BUT, I hope you rest and restore too with your husband on this special opportunity to be together in India!
Enjoy those beautiful weddings, a great way to remember and celebrate your wedding 10 years ago. Much love and thank you always for teaching me so much about children’s yoga. I LOVE TEACHING YOGA TO CHILDREN. Peace Out in India! and Bon Voyage. Love, Charlotte
Félicitation!!! Congradulations on your 300th blog 🙂 Oh that would be so wonderful teacher training in India …A journey over there is definetaly on my dream list! Keep us all posted! Bon voyage 🙂
I am so in WOW of you!!!! Enjoy your wonderful adventure!
Hi dear Aruna/Santokh!!! Congratulations to you and Rishikesh!!! Wow is it 10 years already! Yes, time does fly…and now you two are flying to India – Wow!!!!!! Yay!!! I am sooo happy for you and know that you will have the best time ever!!! Yes, I too would love to hear all your stories!!! And oh yes, congratulations on your 300th blog!!! Wow yet another milestone! You work hard girl!!! 🙂
So excited for you Aruna!! Have an amazing time and I can’t wait to hear all about your adventures when you return! Have fun and be safe!
Lisa ☺
Exciting! Enjoy!! Travel tips: stop at the Sivananda Ashram in Uttarkashi, visit Rishikesh, see aarti in Haridwar, also take the hike from Gangotri to Gomukh. In Delhi, visit Akshardam. Like a yogi amusement park.
Thanks for the wonderful suggestions Tamara, I will check these out in my guide books. I’d love to see the Sivananda Ashram and Akshardam looks amazing too.
Sending you much love!! Enjoy and would love to hear all about it once you’re back!
Hi Aruna,
I was so sorry to miss you last Sunday and Claire.
Your adventures sound so exciting!
Elora and I loved the Pike Market and the ginger beer shop across the road from the market.
I am so jealous! I have always wanted to go to India and would be delighted to have a “brush up” course in India next summer….or I would take it all over gain, just have an excuse to go!
Be safe, have fun and please keep in touch!
You are and will be missed
Thanks Sierra – that would be great to have you with me in India. You are an amazing adventurer in your own right! You bet I’ll bee in touch.
Is Pike Market in Seattle?