This summer will be my 7th and 8th time teaching the RCYS Kids Yoga Teacher Training since we registered with Yoga Alliance. It feels great to be at the stage where the program flows like water.
I’m not sure if its the supportive group dynamics where everyone has cleared their calendar to gather together to achieve a common goal.
It could be the playfulness of learning new games and songs and then teaching them to kids in the camps.
Perhaps it’s a combination of all of these things that makes the Summer Certification so special. Plus, you get your 95 Hour Certificate at the end!
If you are considering getting your Kids Yoga Teacher Certificate, I highly recommend the Summer Certification experience. You’ll immerse yourself in a place where yoga is embraced and life is celebrated. Your spirit will be forever changed.

This special announcement comes just in time for you to take advantage of the significant savings for those who register for either one of the summer courses before Feb 28th. The full details and pricing are here.
This summer I’ll be visiting the magical city of New Orleans joined by past graduates Karen, Charlotte, and Libby in July. Then in August, Janet and I will be hosting the Certification by the shores of Lake Ontario.
Check out what’s awaiting you at these locations.
Wild Lotus Yoga Centre
New Orleans July 17 – 26, 2015
I’ve never been to New Orleans, so I’m thrilled to be hosted there by the Wild Lotus Yoga Studios in July. This is the fastest way to complete your 95 Hour Certification. The course will be intensive, as there will be a lot to cover in only 10 days. The rewards will be worth it!
The studio receives reviews on YELP like:
“The studio space is the most beautiful I have practiced in—colorful paper lanterns hung on high ceilings, authentic wooden floors, silk wall hangings.”
“Wow! Words cannot begin to express the magic in this place.”
This promises to be a unique experience with a vibrant community that even offers some discounted housing opportunities in the community ($25 per night, per person) for early registrants who are visiting from out of town. Now that’s hospitality! Let me know if you are interested and I will put you in touch with their community liaison for more info.
Waterfront Hotel, Burlington, Ontario, Canada:
Aug. 9 – 21, 2015
The Burlington training is a more relaxed 12 Day Certification. Training runs from 9 am – 6 pm daily with a day off on Saturday. You’ll enjoy the beautiful view of Lake Ontario from the training room, take an evening stroll along the boardwalk, and then head to one of the top-notch restaurants close by for dinner.
Praise for the Summer Certification
Attending Young Yoga Masters Children’s Yoga Teacher Training provided me with so many resources, props, exercises, music, games and more. The manuals are so professional.
I got to participate in yoga classes with actual children and taught meaningful lessons and fun yoga poses. It was a magical experience for me and the kids.
We learned exactly how to create a safe space for children while having a lot of FUN! I gained so much experience during this training; it built my confidence as a teacher.
The cherry on top was to receive the Yoga Alliance stamp of approval. I recommend you sign up and come to Young Yoga Masters Children’s Yoga Teacher Training. You won’t’ be disappointed!
Charlotte Connick Mabry, RYT, RCYT
January 14, 2015
If you want to get certified quickly and professionally, its plain to see there’s no better way than to attend our Summer Certification!
If you have any questions about Kids Yoga Teacher Certification or about what training is right for you, check out our FAQ page or feel free to contact me for a free consultation:
Aruna Kathy Humphrys
[email protected]
I’d love to meet you there. More information on the Summer Certifications can be found at:
Hurry! The early bird pricing will go up on March 1!
See you there!!