Last week I trekked down to Palm Springs California for the Yoga Alliance Leadership Conference. Reflecting on my week, here are my 3 big takeaways:
- Wear Many Hats as a Yoga Teacher: I learned that as
I saw this spider with many legs, which reminded me of all the hats a yoga teacher must wear. a yoga teacher I must play many roles. Yoga teachers need to lead a great, safe class, but at times, must put on other hats. Like your business hat if you want to make enough to pay your living expenses. You wear your marketing hat to tell people about your services. Plus the hats like friend hat, confidante hat, parent hat, citizen hat, activist hat, employee hat, boss hat and on and on. While all these roles are interconnected, giving yourself permission to change hats when needed, lets you resist giving everyone free yoga classes, or find the courage to invite people to your classes. All these hats will help grow your yoga teaching.
- Being a Yoga Teacher Requires Planning: I generally feel good about many of the business choices I have made, but I learned that I need to do much more planning. Planning, as in setting the direction for a whole year rather than just one week or a project at a time. Having business plans and timelines are practices of successful businesses.
- Student`s Want to Feel Special: I also visited two studios in Los Angeles, studios that I had never been to before. It was great to do yoga, but even more illuminating to be reminded of what it is like to be a new person in a yoga class. I wanted to connect in those classes, and these studios did not let me down. Whether for kids or adults, we all want to go into a class and feel acknowledged. That feeling is what keeps people coming back to yoga.

These were just the top three eye opening experiences from my week of continuing education. It was a delight to learn from experts who understood what it is like for me, who could save me the trouble of figuring everything out by myself, and most importantly, could help me recognize the mistakes I was making.
What kind of insights have you gained from continuing education?
Upcoming Events
and now to put on my announcer`s hat:
Join the faculty of the Young Yoga Masters Children`s Yoga School as we introduce the upcoming Teacher Training program to you and answer any questions that you may have.
Here are the details:
Open House Webinar
Wednesday, November-07-12 at 9 PM Eastern Standard Time.
Topic: 95 Hour Certification in Kids Yoga Teacher Training
Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) – a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone.
Canada: +1 (647) 497-9372
United States: +1 (805) 309-0027
Access Code: 920-195-413
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting
Meeting ID: 920-195-413
Join us for this info session to find out more about full Certification to become a Kids Yoga Teacher. To see more details about the November 17 – 18 Weekend Teacher Training visit here. This program is eligible for Continuing Education Credits and is a Registered Children`s Yoga School with Yoga Alliance.
Cool insights! I’ve found the same thing in my teaching experience – all kids want to feel special, and that teachers have to wear many hats to make a class successful!