Here’s a special invitation for you to join me as I’m interviewed in this Free Live Webinar:
How to Use Yoga & Relaxation
to Settle Challenging Students
& Create a Calm and Focused Classroom

The Free Webinar is hosted by Rob Plevin of Classroom Rob’s a teacher and highly acclaimed trainer. I began following his webinars about a year ago for my own classroom management professional development. I highly recommend his website.
Here’s how Rob described our upcoming Yoga Webinar in his latest e-mail:
Dear Friends
Our latest free webinar – ‘How to Use Yoga & Relaxation to Settle Challenging Students & Create a Calm and Focused Classroom’ – presented by Aruna Humphrys is happening in 3 days’ time.
Spaces are very limited and replays are never 100% guaranteed so my advice is to make sure you book on this webinar ASAP and turn up for the live call. Aruna is going to be doing something VERY special live on air and you will only be able to experience this if you are on air with us. I STRONGLY recommend not missing this webinar. 🙂
In this strategy-packed session you’ll learn…
- How to bring deep relaxation to any classroom so that students are more responsive and better able to learn
- Instant calming techniques you can teach your students so they can attain a state of focused concentration whenever they need it
- How to introduce relaxation techniques in a way that students don’t find ‘silly’. Once learned, these techniques can be used at short notice in any lesson to settle students and create a calm learning environment in just minutes
- Several routines you can use in lessons – as starters, brain/body breaks and fill-ins
- A very special live-on-air exercise to calm & settle students – once you experience this for yourself (you’ll need to be on the live call to do so) you’ll want to use this again and again with your students
The session is free to attend, all you have to do is register as a free member through the link below.
Learn how use Yoga and relaxation to settle your challenging students
NB: I’m really sorry that the time may not fit with your particular time zone but we do try our best to accommodate as many people as possible.
Here’s the link again:
Remember to leave your questions for Aruna in the comment box under the registration link.
I should also point out that I’ve put a quick-start-guide to using our webinar service HERE in case you’ve had any problems accessing the webinars in the past.
Hope to see you on this call.
Best wishes,
Rob ‘Ommmmmmm’ Plevin
Behaviour Needs Ltd
I hope to see you on this call too. Now go ahead and register to get your spot.
Yours truly,
P.S. I happen to know that by registering your will also get information on where to download the free webinar handout and many more great yoga games and surprises.