Enjoy these Young Yoga Masters favorites designed to get your children loving and growing with yoga!
FREE: Newsletter
We deliver important and useful information for bringing the gifts of yoga and mindfulness to children right to your inbox. The first email you will receive is The Essential Starter Guide to Teaching Kids Yoga. Try it out:
FREE: Print and Play Downloads
Get access to Kids’ Yoga Teacher Resources that can help you share fun yoga activities with the children in your life.
FREE: Monthly Mini Training
This free check-in is for:
- anyone interested in enhancing their kids’ yoga skills.
- those taking the Young Yoga Masters training,
- and graduates of the training,
It’s a chance to connect with old friends and meet new people who are into yoga and mindfulness for children.
Scavenger Hunt Game

A Proven Crowd Pleaser!
The Scavenger Hunt game appeals to kids love for games and puzzles.
You’ll get a complete package and training to know exactly how to play this game with children.
Whether you are playing online or in-person, you’ll be ready to get kids moving with the Scavenger Hunt Yoga Game.