Aruna is available for private classes and consultations by phone, e-mail or Skype.
Consultation topics include:
- Private adult or children’s yoga classes in the Hamilton, Ontario area.
- Teaching Yoga to Kids – specific questions or problems for new or experienced teachers, parents or caregivers including finalizing lesson plans, obstacles to classroom management, problem solving, and inspiration to find new classes and get started teaching kids yoga or to find more enjoyment in your current classes.
- Yoga Tools for Children’s Health– meditations and exercises to do with kids to alleviate stress, anxiety, improve focus or help with other issues,
- Business or Blogging Consultations – to help you get new yoga classes going, start or improve a blog, maintain your current classes and students, promote your business,
- Personal Consultations – to enhance your yoga or meditation practice.
All consultations begin with an intake to make sure Aruna delivers you the best tools for your needs. To see Aruna’s full bio click here.
- Cost of Single Private Class or Consultation: $150 per hour.
- 4 Class Pack: Private Class or Consultation: $425 for four sessions.
Please contact Aruna to check for availability or to see if private consultations are right for you:
[email protected] (e-mail)
416-944-2888 (phone)