Announcing the next Kids Yoga Teacher Training Dates
This Kids Yoga Teaching Training course gets you ready to teach kids yoga and avoid the problems that new teachers experience. With a tested six week kids yoga curriculum filled with yoga and activities that kids love. You will also discover additional poses, games, meditations, and songs to build the skills and confidence to design your own classes. This course will equip you to spread the health and joy of yoga with children at home, in daycares, studios, or in the classroom.
- New Program: 12 Hour Training + 6 Hour Co-Op Training (6 weeks): Toronto, Ontario, Canada Starts Tuesday, January 12, 2010
- 12 Hour Training Weekend: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Friday, April 30 – Sunday, May 2, 2010
Who Should Attend the Kids Yoga Teacher Training:
Attention: Those who want to give kids the life-long rewards of healthy bodies and happy minds.
- Yoga Teachers
- School Teachers
- E.C.E.’s (Early Childhood Educators)
- Doctors, Therapists, and Kids Specialists
- Specialty Kids Teachers
- Teaching Assistants
- Parents
- Grandparents
- Those who work with kids
- And all those who love and care for kids
Teaching Kids Yoga Training is for you!
About the Course:
Connect with kids from toddlers to tweens with a meaningful yoga practice.
Young Yoga Masters is a unique Kids Yoga Teacher Training program that will give you the tools to explain yoga and meditation to kids. It is for those who are just starting out and also for those who teach kids regularly and want to rejuvenate their lesson plans with inspiring ideas and activities.
For Developing Focus & Keeping Imagination Alive
Teaching Kids Yoga features age old postures and meditations that can build self-awareness and confidence. The stories from Ancient Secrets of Success for Today’s World by Tulshi Sen inspire teachers and kids alike.
Take your classes from good to awesome! In this weekend workshop you will discover:
- Classroom Management: How to gain kid’s cooperation, work with groups, and build passion for yoga,
- Child Development: An overview of the ages and stages of children’s abilities and development,
- Yoga Fundamentals: The fundamentals of yoga and meditation and how to present them to kids,
- A six week class curriculum based on Ancient Secrets of Success for Today’s World by Tulshi Sen – a tested program that inspires kids, filled with inspiring kids yoga, meditations, games and stories. This curriculum tells you exactly how to introduce yoga to kids in a way they can understand and apply. It will give you the tools to create a meaningful yoga curriculum to teach in your kids classes;
- How to develop your own kids yoga classes for different ages, time frames, and settings from the living room to the classroom;
- Quick Yoga: Quick, everyday tools for calming and centering for kids and adults;
- Rejuvenation: An amazing course to connect with others and nourish your soul. Practical and personal development that’s full of imagination and fresh ideas.
For full course details link here:
Please contact me if you have any questions about the course. I’d love to see you there,