Stories to Tell in Yoga
“In a small village far away from anywhere and with no access road to the nearest town lived a poor Farmer. He had nobody. No family to help him farm. He was all alone.”
p. 65, Ancient Secrets of Success for Today’s World by Tulshi Sen
People are always asking me where I get my stories from. The book noted above is a resource I use for my own inspiration, as well as for creating lesson plans. I find it incredibly insightful, and it also contains wonderful stories that can be used for teaching children.
The quote above is the beginning of Chapter 9, The Story of the Wish Fulfilling Tree which is subtitled: How to Guard the Self-Sabotaging Mind. The kids I teach love stories like these and they lead to beautiful discussions of what these stories are showing us.
Not only do I use them in my children’s yoga classes – I tell them to adults too. The Story of the Wish Fulfilling Tree is part of my teacher training program. There are seven other stories that get kids attention in Ancient Secrets of Success for Today’s World by Tulshi Sen. Tulshi Sen has been an inspiration as my Mentor, Meditation Teacher, and Business Guide for years. If you have a chance to see him, take the opportunity, he is a life-changing speaker.
But in the meantime, here’s the link to his book with all the stories in it:
© K. Humphrys